Chapter 33
It was all a blur of madness as everyone in the Mess Hall poured out of the doors. I was tied first with the rest of my tent, even Zigzag. We sprinted out and looked about for Squid who had disappeared from view as soon as he spoke those excited words. The sun was high as usual in the sky and the brightness glared in my eyes. I didn’t notice how dark it must’ve been inside that food hall. Then I saw Squid and with the rest of the guys and flew towards him.
“Hey, Caveman!”
“I can’t believe you guys made it!” Squid was hugging Stanley and Zero in a bear hug. I was even surprised. I ran up to them with Charlie, we both propped Zigzag’s arms onto us. The boys greeted each other, high fiving and slap hugging. The usual thing that boys do. As we reached the group I saw who was standing in front. I pushed and shoved people aside until I was next to Squid. There was The Warden, Mr. Sir who was hiding his face behind a clipboard, three cop-like cowboys and a woman in a suit with frizzy hair.
“We thought you were lizard food!” Zigzag gasped out of breathe as he relaxed onto Charlie’s arm.
“Nah, nah I’m going home.” Stanley said.
“Wait what?” I almost shouted. Then I realized that the woman with frizzy hair must’ve been the lawyer who was meant to get Stanley a while ago.
“Man, you stink dude.” Armpit said laughing. “What you been eating?”
“Yeah, you smell of…of onions!” Magnet exclaimed. The boys laughed. I tightly hugged Zero.
“Welcome back.” I said as I ruffled his afro. Zero looked up and smiled.
“You okay?” Stanley asked Zigzag, who seemed to go paler. Charlie held his hand.
“Hum, what? Oh, yah I-I’m good…I think…” He replied. The cowboy cops stared at Zigzag, making him shift slightly from foot to foot. Suddenly, Pendanski strode out of Mr. Sir’s office with a deadly look on his face. The laughter died as he came near us. He turned around and faced the sulking Warden.
“Well, uh, there seems to be no file of… Hector Zeroni...” He said icily.
“What?” The Warden said. She was obviously pretending that she didn’t know what happened to it. I glared at her. I hated her more than my mother…and that was something.
“Is that so.” The lawyer said without a hint of being stunned. She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. The Warden glanced around uneasily.
“What kinda camp are you runnin’ here?” One of the cowboys in black suit came up behind her; the others were gazing at her from behind sunglasses.
“A nice one.” The Warden stuttered. Some of the boys snorted. I laughed. “If the state gave us some more money, we might have had some… decent-“
“Well what the hell happened to this young fella over here?” The black suited cowboy pointed at Zigzag who was picking at his bandage. When he heard his name he then froze. Zigzag turned a lighter shade of white, but his face was blushing.
“Oh, well Zigzag here…he was attacked.” The Warden explained. Mr. Sir looked to the floor from behind his notepad.
“He was not attacked!” Charlie exclaimed. As the adults turned to face her she covered her mouth.
“What Charlie means is that he got caught up in gunfire.” I hissed at Mr. Sir. He tried to shrink away through the doorway of the office.
“Gunfire!” One of the cowboys said as he shook his head.
“Oh, I could go into detail if you’d like.” I sneered.
“Please do, but later.” The black suited cowboy pulled out a notepad and scribbled something down. “I am orderin’ an investigation of the facility.” He got out his cell phone and prodded in a number. The Warden and the councilors tensed.
“Hey lady d’you have a pen and paper I could borrow?” Armpit asked.
“No, no I don’t.” she replied. Then she looked at Mr. Sir. “But, it looks like he does.” Mr. Sir pointed at himself and mouthed ‘me?’ to her. “Yeah you. You gotta pen?”
“Yeah…” Mr. Sir lowered the clipboard and pulled off the pen that was attached to it. “Here…” He gave it to the lawyer. “Here’s a pen…” he then retracted behind The Warden and behind the clipboard.
“You got paper?” The lawyer looked unimpressed.
“Here.” Mr. Sir grumbled and gave the clipboard to the lawyer with out looking. As soon as he let go of it he pulled up his jean jacket slightly to hide his face. Just then I saw one of the cowboys with the sunglasses take his of and stare intently at Mr. Sir.
“Here you go.” The lawyer smiled and handed the pen and paper to Armpit.
“Thanks.” He wrote down a mobile number. He gave the paper to Stanley. “Hey, call my mom.”
“Tell her I said I was sorry. Tell’er Theodore said he was sorry.” Stanley clasped his hand and man hugged him.
“I will man. I will.” I patted Armpit on the back. The boys were starting to rejoin themselves with reality. As much as I liked the names, they had to go…after all this... Mr. Sir turned to leave.
“Marian Servile.” Our attention was turned to the cowboy that had sunglasses on. He adjusted his unfashionable string necktie.
“Oh crap.” Mr. Sir muttered.
“Long time since El Paso old Marion.” The cowboy strode up to him and shoved him against the wall. Charlie giggled.
“Who’s Marion?” Squid whispered to me. I laughed.
“It’s a violation of your payroll carrying this weapon.” The cowboy yanked Mr. Sir’s gun out of its holster. More of the guys laughed.
“I had no idea, no knowledge of that.” The Warden stated flailing her arms about.
“Oh, yeah. Just like you didn’t know that Pendanski was no doctor neither.” Mr. Sir said sarcastically as the cowboy did a weapon check on him. We all laughed. Pendanski grimaced.
“Sit down Marion,” The necktied cowboy sat Mr. Sir down on a bench. “You’re under arrest, again.
“Marion!” Zigzag seemed to get his energy and color back again. “I didn’t know that was a man’s name.” Everyone continued to laugh.
“It ain’t.” Mr. Sir, or should I say: Marion said. ‘Oohs’ went through the crowd of delinquents. It was shortly replaced by laughter. I was almost crying. The head cowboy got off his phone and spoke up.
“Okay, this facility is now under our jurisdiction.” He said to The Warden as he signaled to the two other cops.
“What?” The Warden spat.
“Boys,” He ignored her. “Put these three bozos right over there and let them see the other side.” Necktie cowboy ushered Pendanski and The Warden over to the bench. We all cheered.
“Excuse me? Don’t push me! I’m a lady!” The Warden screamed as she stormed over to the bench. I cheered like I never cheered before.
“Come on Hector. You’re comin’ with us, let’s go.” The lawyer said motioning for Stanley and Zero to follow her to the slick black car. Suddenly there was a crash followed by an erupting boom. We all gazed to the sky.
“What’s that?” X-Ray said. Clouds were forming and the sun suddenly disappeared. Dark blooming clouds growling at us replaced it. Then, for the first time it what I bet seemed like forever and a day, water droplets fell by the dozens. I sprinted out from under the porch dragging Squid by the hand behind me.

Dig It Up *A 'Holes' Fanfiction*
Fanfictie"Kathlyn Barlow, the jury has found you guilty..." Kat Barlow is in trouble once and for all. The judge gives her two choices of her fate. Jail or mysterious 'Camp Green Lake'. The choice doesn't matter really, she just needs to escape her terrible...