Chapter 21
"So, is it true? You and Squid made out?" Magnet asked, causing me to blush.
"Yes, it's true." I snapped, making him jump. It was too early in the morning and I was tired. I probably got four hours sleep, but I wouldn’t have changed anything about last night…except maybe Ziggy seeing us. After that little incident it spread through the tent in two minutes after the bell rung.
"So, can you do it again?" X-Ray asked. I glared at him with one eye, which is not easy.
“Pervert!” Squid and I said together. We were holding hands as we trudged towards the shovel line. Charlie was just staring at me with a Cheshire cat grin on her face.
“Go on you two,” she nudged me, “You know you want to!”
“Says you!”
“Says me?” she pretended to gasp. I motioned with my eyes towards Zigzag and raised my eyebrows. Zigzag just looked confused, as always. “I don’t know what you’re talking about!” she said nervously. I giggled and picked up a shovel knocking heads with Squid.
“Ouch, sorry…” Both of us looked at each other, and leaned in. If it was a show they wanted… a show they would get. I put my hands around his shoulders; his went on the small of my back. There were catcalls and whistles, and hooting. We had to breathe, so, we stopped kissing. I bent over and picked my shovel up.
"So, you two weren't kidding." Magnet looked depressed.
"Um, no, we weren't kidding. Now, why would we be?" I said.
"Yeah, would you like more proof." Squid said, looking at me.
"Nah, not right now! Please don’t… But, you guys look cute together. Really…" Zigzag made one of the gayest comments of his life, and got a smack on the back of the head, from me.
“What was that for?”
“I just got the gay alien out of your head!” It was funny until I noticed he went pale. “Don’t worry there isn’t any alien! I was joking!” I let go of Squid and gave Zigzag a hug. That startled him as he went frigid. But then he relaxed and hugged back. I saw Charlie jealousy pouting behind him. I pulled away from Zig, and skipped towards the digging sight whistling happily. Who knew a juvenile detention facility was the place I’d be the happiest in my life! Digging wasn’t that hard for me anymore since my hands didn’t hurt as much. I dug quite fast but I couldn’t help but notice that Zero wasn’t in his unusually shallow hole. I knew that he was gonna help Stanley with his digging but I didn’t know it was gonna be kinda shocking. As two dirt clouds steadily flew out of Stanley’s growing hole, it made me quite angry. I guess that’s how some of the guys felt too. X-Ray and Squid would go up to them and tease about how Stanley had his own personal slave. Sometimes they would even pick on Zero and chuck dirt back into the whole. He once looked up at me and had this really cute pleading look in his eyes. I just tried to apologize for the others. I bet all the boys in Camp Green Lake are super nice. Somewhere deep down.
“Where’s your whip Caveman,” Armpit said as he walked past the two diggers heading for the lunch line where Pendanski was listing out the food, “don’t want your slave to slack off.”
“It’s not slavery, its agreement.” Retorted Stanley. I climbed out of my hole and pulled Charlie out of hers.
“You know what I want…” Charlie started up as we got in line behind Magnet.
“No I don’t know…” I mumbled grabbing a graham cracker and a piece of soggy baloney. I flapped it out in the air a bit shaking some of the grease off. I watched as Squid stole an extra handful of graham crackers.
“I want a Texan accent!” she said proudly taking an apple and a piece of holed cheese. I sniggered and so did Mr. Pendanski, which I glared at him for it.
“You want something else too…” I smiled at her as she glared at me since Zigzag was just ahead of us.
“That’ll take you a long time Miss Akerman, so don’t get your hopes up!” Mr. P said in his annoying happy voice. I trudged past him and stood next to Zero.
“Hey I got some extra graham crackers.” Squid offered some to me and Zigzag. I took one; Ziggy took around five taking them over to Stanley. He kicked his boot, Stanley squinted up at him.
“How about I give you my cookie and you let me dig your hole.” Stanley stared for a second but then took a bite out of his apple and stared at the ground. “Come on,” Zigzag shook the cracker in front of Stanley’s face. “Take it!” I walked over and stood behind Zigzag, I put a hand on his shoulder trying to pull him back like he’d done to me. He shrugged me off. I didn’t want a fight. The others didn’t know about Zero’s lessons so the help for Stanley wasn’t that big of a problem. Charlie looked concerned.
“Look I get it alright; I’ll dig my own hole from now on. Lemme eat my lunch.” Stanley said. Zigzag laughed.
“He isn’t gonna take it.” He said to me. There was a crazy look in his eye; almost as bad as Mr. Sir’s.
“Just leave’m alone Zig-“ I was cut off as Zigzag crouched down and shoved the cracker into Stanley’s face.
“Come on, eat the cookie!” He laughed. Stanley swatted it out of his face and Zigzag pushed him over. He stood up quickly and took a step towards Zig. Oh, great. Now it’s started… The others gazed from their own holes, some of them oohed. I took a step back.
“Guys just stop, this isn’t gonna solve-” Charlie was cut off like me as Zigzag pushed Stanley down again. I looked at Mr. Pendanski for some help. He strode up to us.
“Hey, hey, hey! What’s going on here?” he asked.
“Nothing Mom we’re just fooling.” Squid said standing between Stanley and Zigzag as they pushed closer.
“Oh I saw what was going on.” He smiled and looked at Stanley. “Come on Stanley, teach him a lesson. Hit him back!” What kinda sick game was this? Squid took a step back letting Stanley and Zigzag have a clear passage. Stanley looked at Mr. P for a second then stared at Zig who was smiling almost as sickly as the crazy psychologist. Some of the boys cheered on. Charlie and I stayed quiet shaking our heads.
“Yeah, teach me a lesson.” Said Zig as he pushed him again and Stanley slapped him weakly across the cheek.
"That…was pathetic." I said to Charlie.
"I agree, but I don’t like the way this is headed.” Zigzag tackled Stanley into the hole and he began punching him in the stomach continuously. They rolled around in the dirt a couple times, but Caveman got up after pushing him off and elbowing Zigzag in the stomach. Dirt was flying everywhere; some of it was getting in my eyes. Zig got up and gave him a punch right in the kisser causing both of us to flinch. Stanley fell to the ground and lay there unmoving. Zig stood over his body triumphantly. There was more cheering from the boys as Zigzag was bending over to finish Stanley off. That's when Zero jumped into action; he jumped onto Zigzag's back and started choking him.
"Zero!" I practically screamed and I don’t really scream often. Squid looked at me curious to see what I would do next. Charlie was gaping at the boy who was chocking our paranoiac friend to the ground. I rushed over and tried to pull the little arms off of my friend’s neck. Zero didn't stop. Charlie obviously didn't like that very much either.
“Stop it! He can’t breathe!” She yelped. Charlie was on Zigzag, who was laying on Zero. I was still tugging Zero’s arm as Charlie attacked his fingers. Zig’s face was going purple as he gasped for air. I looked up at the guys furious that they were just letting us do the work.
“Aren’t you gonna do something! Stop standing around!” I hissed. Armpit ran over and helped me pull Zero off.
"Are you okay?" Charlie asked getting up off him quickly backing up a little bit. That's when Mr.P shot the gun. Everyone ducked.
"Yeah, you shoot the gun now dumb ass." I rolled my eyes glaring at Pendanski. He ignored me and started to shout. Squid and I got Zigzag back on his feet. He looked a bit dazed but okay. We all trudged off because we knew who was coming now.

Dig It Up *A 'Holes' Fanfiction*
Fanfiction"Kathlyn Barlow, the jury has found you guilty..." Kat Barlow is in trouble once and for all. The judge gives her two choices of her fate. Jail or mysterious 'Camp Green Lake'. The choice doesn't matter really, she just needs to escape her terrible...