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The two boys were walking out of school together. "So...how does it work?" Taehyung asked hoping to learn more about their new relationship. "I come over to yours every night, then leave every morning?"

Jungkook smiled, he was happy Taehyung was willing to accept. "You don't have to come every night... only when you feel like cuddling... or I feel like be cuddled."

Taehyung paused processing it, it seemed like a very good deal, "but I always feel like cuddling." Taehyung pouted. He was very cute, it was a natural thing for Taehyung. It was as natural as his dominance.

"Then come over every night," Jungkook stated confidently. By now they're already out of the school and walking towards jungkook's place. "You don't mind?" Taehyung asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I wouldn't have offered." Jungkook replied with a smile. "Should I text you before coming over or...?" Taehyung asked.

"You might as well come over now, I mean since we're already headed in the direction of my house," Jungkook said. Wow they are so awkward, the tension in the air was slowly decreasing thankfully.

The walk had become silent, soon becoming more comfortable. There was a breeze It's cold, very cold but neither of them seem to mind. Taehyung's mind started to wonder as his body became numb.

Jeon Jungkook asked me to cuddle. He laughs in his head. The 'oh so strong athlete' likes to be cuddled up in someones' arms. His mind stopped for a second

That's really cute. Oh how did I end up in the situation? Since when was my body compatible for snuggling. That was the shitty excuse Jungkook gave.

But this is good I get to cuddle someone —wrap my arms around their waist, stuff my face into their neck, push my leg in between theirs. Taehyung let's a content sigh out loud, I'm excited, he internally squeals.

Let's just say Taehyung hadn't cuddled anyone for awhile. But it was okay since he was so excited right now. He was feeling all jittery.

Jungkook turned around to check on Taehyung, when he notices a boxy grin placed on his lips. This, for some reason, caused him to smile himself. It was a contagious grin. Jungkook immediately became soft around Taehyung.

He didn't heed that 'bad boy' bullshit around Taehyung. It was honestly just a stupid facade.

Sure Jungkook has noticed Taehyung in class many times but they never got put together or ever got a chance to talk. Obviously he's noticed Taehyung in class, they're classmates, he just never paid attention to him.

"Taehyung, don't you need to call your parents?" Jungkook asked, they were obviously the time to make sure their parents knew they were okay.

Taehyung jumped slightly hearing something about his parents, but quickly recovered. "Nah it's okay they live in Daegu," he answered.

"Ah my parents live in Busan," Junkook added, it seemed both their parents moved away. Maybe that's why they both a need for cuddling, not living with your parents sure make you lonely

"Cool." Taehyung answered not entirely sure of what to say.

The silence became awkward, but it's okay since Jungkooks place wasn't that far away. He could see the apartment complex from where they were. Taehyung was studying the way there so he'd never forget. They went into the building, they went to the lift, then they got into his house.

"Nice place" Taehyung commented, looking around.

"Glad you like it, since you'll be spending most of your time here anyways," Jungkook replied making his way to the bathroom, "Make yourself at home."

Jungkook never treated his cuddle buddies like this but there was an obvious difference between Taehyung and his previous ones. Maybe it was attraction, that smile from earlier did get his heart skipping a few beats.

Taehyung sat on the fluffy carpet, a coffee table in front of him. While waiting patiently for Jungkook. It was around six O'clock, school finished at four, they had clubs till five and Taehyung and Jungkook had an hour detention.

Jungkook had exited the bathroom, in nothing but a oversized t-shirt. It came just below his ass covering the masterpiece. Taheyung couldn't help bust stare there was obvious attraction.

That reminded Taehyung, he's bisexual and maybe Jungkook was uncomfortable with that so he decided to ask, "Hey kook, ...I wanted to tell you that I'm-I'm bisexual, so if your not comfortable —"

"I don't mind... I myself am gay so it would be weird to be uncomfortable around you because your bi," he interrupted confidently.

Taehyung was happy, it wasn't uncommon to be gay or whatever but it is still resented by a lot of people. Taehyung gave him a boxy grin, while Jungkook blushed, yeah his heart definitely did skip a some beats.

"So d'you want to do something before we go bed or...?" Taehyung asked. "Let's watch a film." Jungkook suggested, having already thought about it on his trip to the bathroom.

"What film?" Taehyung asked, but as I said previously Jungkook already knew what he wanted to watch. "Big hero 6," Jungkook grinned.

Taehyung grinned back at him, "but first let's get something to eat,"


It was half way through the film. They'd finished the bowls of cereal they decided on having and Jungkook wanted to lay down.

He rested his head on taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung smiled he was glad Jungkook was already comfortable with him. Taehyung put his arm behind Jungkook pulling him closer by his waist.

The movie ended, but neither of them were tired. "You wanna sleep?"

"M'not tired." Jungkook replied with a put, looking tired despite his words. "What d'you wanna do?" Taehyung asked holding back a squeak as Jungkook was to fucking cute.


They got onto the bed and Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's waist, pulling him closer. They were facing each other, just looking at each other nothing really being said. Jungkook rested his head on Taehyung's chest breaking the eye contact. Eventually they both fell asleep.


Sorry for the short chapter next one will be longer. 👍

Proofread; 30/8/18

(It's so difficult to read through your writing when it's so bad.)

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