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Jungkook was walking to class. He had his books in his hands just minding his own business, the usual.

"Oh look it's the faggot." Wootak called.

Jungkook sighed. Whenever Jungkook was around him he always made dumbass comments. It was getting on Jungkook's nerves. But Jungkook had too much self control to actually y'know start a fight.

Jungkook looked in Wootak's direction and sent a wink. He then continued walking, if he acted like he didn't care then he'd get pissed which is always funny.

But this time Wootak got pissed he didn't just show his usual reaction, which is just another stupid comeback, this time he acted with violence much like yesterday.

He ran up to Jungkook and pushed him onto the floor. Jungkook fell face first into the marble ground. His nose erupted in blood.

Jungkook chuckled darkly, "someone's feisty today."

Jungkook didn't hesitate to punch him right in the liver probably leaving a bruise. Wootak buckled but quickly recovered by throwing another punch. Jungkook was about to block but his fist already hit his face giving him a black eye.

Jungkook laughed he gave Wootak another body shot before punching him in the jaw causing him to fall to the ground. He didn't pass out, Jungkook thought he did so no he just walked away.


Wootak walked out of the nurses office. He was given permission to go home. But would he really want to do that with the current state of his house. He went to his locker grabbing his repack sack and a few book he needed to study.

As he was walking out of school he notice Taehyung. He was talking to Jimin laughing. Wootak looked at Taehyung with a painful expression. He always regretted starting a fight with Taehyung.

To be honest Wootak was jealous of Jungkook. That's why he constantly bullied him. He wanted Taehyung. He wanted Taehyung to come over in the late hours of the night buying him strawberry lemonade. He wanted Taehyung to pull him closer. To force his head on Taehyung's shoulder. To tell him to eat more.

But that would never happen. That would never happen to him. He didn't deserve it. He didn't want to, want to have it. But he did, he wanted so bad.

Before he left he took one more glance at Taehyung and saw Jungkook with him. Taehyung was caressing Jungkook's face where Wootak left the bruise. He sighed, he didn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve it. He doesn't deserve Taehyung.

It was lunch time he went to the teachers office. His heart was beating at a rapid pace because although he thought he'd gotten in trouble or screwed up big time, he also thought there might be a chance of him getting a scholarship. It wasn't impossible.

"Ms. Lee?" He called softly.

She she waved and smiled at him. He gave her a small smile back.

"What did you want to talk about, Miss?" He asked not looking at her.

"Well I noticed," god no, "that your writing is," holy fuck, "better than the average writer," no fucking way. "In fact it exceeds those who have published books, it's not only your ideas, but the way you write is-is spectacular, I've read some of your previous writings, even from daegu, and I'm really impressed."  She paused waiting for a reaction from Taehyung, but she just lightly chuckled seeing him shook.

"Well anyway it was your recent short story that really got me going — the way you wrote you're true opinions in a character, and the fact you knew what she'd have to go through despite not actually ever being able to know how it feels. It makes it seem as if you have experience in such matters."

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