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They were back in school. Taehyung had his hair brushed back into a man bun. He didn't want his beautiful hair to get in the way of his literature class. He entered the classroom early, well he was always early for literature class.

No one was in the class, except the teacher. The teacher looked up and saw the boy. Taehyung looked right back at him.

"Mr. Kim?"

"Taheyung?" Namjoon mimicked.

Taheyung pouted, "I thought you taught English."

"Ah yeah I do, and I do teach literature for you elites."

Taheyung blushed, "I wouldn't call myself an elite..."

Taheyung walked up to the front of the class giving him the essay on cells. He took a seat right at the front. The closer you sit to the teacher the more focused you stay in class.

Slowly other students started filling the classroom. A boy with black hair, slightly shorter then Taehyung walked in, glasses on his face and took a seat next to Taehyung. The boy felt Taehyung's gaze on him so he turned around. They made eye contact and he smiled.

"I'm Dowoon," he held his hand out. Taheyung paused for a second,

"Oh a- yeah I'm Taehyung," he took his hand and shook it.

Namjoon began the lesson, everyone in the class diligently taking notes.


Meanwhile, Jimin has just completely memorised his choreography. He practiced it one more time. Today they were going to perform it to the colleges best dance students and teachers.

"C'mon Jimin they're here," the coordinator informed.

Jimin took his phone and went into the room, who unlike Taheyung was the last one to arrive. He looked over to the teachers and students from the college. He was very scared and intimidated.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, when he heard a familiar laugh, he opened his eyes and glanced around the room, when he saw the beautiful fingers of his Hoseok hyung,

He now felt relief. Students started wasting no time. He gulped seeing their perfect copies of the choreography they had chosen. He knew every piece they were dancing. The choreography was so familiar.

That was what they were meant to do, and suddenly Jimin and anxiety run through him again he didn't do the assignment. He took deep breaths it'll be okay, just say you changed the choreography because the original was to difficult... no say because it was too easy, tsk no then I sound cocky. He sighed.

"Jimin," the university teacher called looking around the room.

Jimin raised his hand and made his way to the front. He met eyes with Hoseok who smiled at him reassuringly. He smiled at the judges, and bowed. His music started and he wished he had done the choreography perfectly. But he slipped, he slipped and almost landed on his face, but his hands pushed him back up to his feet.

He stopped his heart fell to his feet, his stomach turned, his breathing increased , his hands felt cold. And before he could burst out in tears, he heard a

"Ah... Jimin Don't worry, you're just nervous, feel free to do start over."

He looked over and saw the college choreography. He smiled politely at her, and nodded. The musics began and this time he aced every move. But his anxiety increased when it came time for the critiques.

"So in the beginning I could feel your nerves from here, but it's okay this is a once in a life time opportunity, so it's normal to be nervous. So about the dance I noticed that you were going to dance the lotus flower. But that wasn't the choreography I recalled..."

"Well the original choreography wasn't fitting well with me so I... I decided to change it a bit..."

"A bit? You changed the whole choreography" Jimin looked down, "but it was still perfect, and it is amazing you choreographed the whole thing on your own."

Jimin nodded as if expecting more but the judges didn't say anything he went back to his spot in the line, the rest of the students doing their dances perfectly. He sighed and just thought it was okay, no matter what happens, just study to become an office worker.

"Okay the plan was to email you who got in and who didn't, but we've decided to do that now."

Jimin looked up at the judges.

"Okay if your name is called you can leave, cause' you didn't pass." Once the teacher called all the irrelevant people's names, Jimin was waiting for his, but it wasn't called.

"Okay for the rest of you, next year you'll be in college next year,"

Jimin squealed. Hoseok walked up to him and gave him a smile,

"Congratulations, I would love to stay and chat but I've still got class to go to."

Jimin was in a daze, Hoseok patted his head and left the happy Jimin in the middle of the room.


It was lunch time and Jungkook was by himself. It wasn't that Taehyung and Jimin couldn't join him for lunch, but it seemed they were both busy, with their assignments and tests. Jungkook didn't want to bother them.

He decided that he'd skip lunch and just go to his next class. He entered the art classroom. He looked around the room at all the beautiful paintings, when he met eyes with one, it was his and Wootak's project. He didn't know the art teacher had put it on the wall, but now he felt some sort of purse looking at it.

He sat down at his work station, a sketch book in his hand sketching out the scenery he saw outside. He didn't forget to add the grey undertone everything had despite the fact spring was approaching.

"That's really beautiful," he jumped as he heard Wootak's voice. Sneaky motherfucker.

"Thanks," he said going back to drawing.

"Hey, Jungkook, can I talk to you for a second?"

"Aren't you already doing that?"

"Right... so I- I just wanted to a-apologise for umm calling you- a calling you a faggot and all those other names, I... I hope you can forgive me," he apologised sheepishly.

Jungkook turned around "sure whatever"


Wootak left and Jungkook continued to sketch a small smile on his face.


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