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Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung met up on the cafe as per usual. And to be honest it was really putting a dent in Taehyung's bank account. His marks weren't high enough for a scholarship. And he still need to add one more type of science to take the medical course.

He was really spaced out. Partly thinking about Jungkook, partly thinking about his future. He sighed.

"What's up?" Jimin asked.

"Y'know the usual school and shit," Taehyung answered, he really didn't want to get into it.

"Why're you being so vague, don't-you don't talk to me anymore," Jimin snapped.

Jimin had been stressed out himself but it seemed like Taehyung, his only friend, wasn't there. Jimin was used to spilling all his troubles to Taehyung. Taehyung was a great listener and always gave the most heart felt advice, but he also wasn't afraid to tell stuff to you straight.

Taehyung sighed, "Jimin, you can always talk to me just give me a call and I'll be there, you're-you're still my best friend."

Jimin sighed, "this isn't just about me, Taehyung, you're human too I know you get stressed, so talk to me don't be distant."

To Taehyung always felt like a bother. He never wanted to trouble Jimin or anyone else for that matter. So he was just used agreeing, to satisfy the person, much like what he did when Jungkook told him to take a course in literature.

"Don't worry you know I'll always come to you."

No he wasn't.


As they were walking into school together, laughing and joking, it was if Jungkook and Jimin never had an argument. The three of them had created quite a bond.

Jimin left to go to different building because he was apart of this program the school had. If a student showed talent in a subject, then they'd get to decide if they want to only study that for the remainder of high school, then get into college with a scholarship.

Jimin had been offered a dancing scholarship, so instead of the regular math, Korean science, he just had different types of dance practices. It of course was only offered to seniors, an exceptional sophomores.

Anyway, Taehyung walked Jungkook to his first class, science. Then he headed to his own Korean literature.


"Okay class, I've corrected your short stories, and I saw some amazing ideas. I want you to take it back and read my comments," the teacher, Ms. Lee said.

She called on each student one, by one to collect their story. She finally reached, "Taehyung!" Taehyung got up and walked to her desk, she handed it to him, "come during lunch I want to talk to you,"

"Okay miss." He was worried that he messed up badly.

Taehyung had a love for writing, for literature. It was more than just a hobby, he wanted it to become his career. But y'know the constant putting yourself down doesn't help. He sighed.

He started writing when he was younger but then it was just for fun, or to express hidden feeling. It was mostly poetry. But then it advance to stories, giving them problems he faced and writing how the solved it.

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