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"Okay here's the plan, I'm is going to beat the shit out of Wootak," Taehyung said, trying to get Jimin's opinion.

"Listen, Jungkook can handle himself you don't need to interfere," Jimin said frustrated since this is about the only thing Taehyung has been discussing for about two days now. Of course only when Jungkook wasn't there.

"No you listen, he seriously hurt Jungkook. I-I can't Just let this slide, letting anyone come at my man."

"Okay first of all, it was just a bruise —"

"On his eye," Taehyung added.

Jimin sighed, "second of all he's not 'your man' so you need to relax yourself, there are loads of homophobes in this school."

Taehyung sighed he was about to add on this pointless argument, since no matter what he was coming for Wootak, but they heard Jungkook chirp,

"Wassup guys?" He slid next to Taehyung putting his tray on the table.

"Nothing much," Taehyung replied quickly.

Jimin snickered. "Anyway have you heard there's a new teacher, and a new guidance consultant?"

"Yeah, I heard he teaches English for the seniors," Jungkook added.

Taehyung sighed, his English sucked and having another teacher look at him like he was mentally ill didn't sound like fun. His mood instantly plummeted.

It may not seem like much, but it really hurt being literally the only one who couldn't even read in English. It didn't help that with things like this he felt extremely self conscious. He felt shy just entering the English classroom.

"Well, anyways guy I'm gonna get going," Taehyung announced getting up, with his tray.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked slightly confused, I mean he just got there and Taehyung was already leaving.

"Just want to get to class early," he forced a smile.


Well today was definitely not Wootak's lucky day. He was walking down the stairs to get to the cafeteria. When he bumped shoulders with a slouch, man. He looked over at him.

"Watch where you're going twat," he cursed.

The slouched over boy stood up straight, looking at the boy who called him a twat. He grinned. He pushed Wootak back up the stairs. Wootak not doing anything to stop him. He pushed him with a lot of strength making him hit the wall, hard. Wootak groaned.

Taehyung laughed insanely. He looked up at Wootak, eyes hooded, sending shivers down Wootak's spine. Taehyung punched him right in the liver. A full power punch that had Wootak on his knees, wincing. Taehyung took a step back, raised his foot and kicked Wootak.

Wootak's head hit the wall behind him, his head bouncing forward the back from the quick impact. His nose started bleeding from the contact of Taehyung's shoe on his face. The back of his head was aching from the brick wall behind him. He hunched over grabbing his nose. Letting out heavy breaths and groans.

"You better apologies to Jungkook, well unless you want this to become a regular occurrence," despite literally beating the shit out of Wootak, he still spoke with class.

Taehyung looked back and saw the boy on the ground, tears forming in his eyes and sighed. This wasn't how Taehyung was, really. He went a little farther then he had planned to go.

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