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Taehyung was in disbelief, his parents the same parent who called him disgusting all those years ago, had asked him to comeback. This was... incredible.

"I don't believe it," Taehyung voiced aloud for the hundredth time.

Jungkook sighed, "you should believe it."

"I want to believe it," Taehyung muttered.

He was working on an assignment but he couldn't focus. It was very annoying, people who don't care about him, shouldn't faze him. He sighed closing his computer.

"D'you want to go for a walk?" Taehyung asked turning to Jungkook who sat on the bed.

"Yeah," Jungkook said getting up.

They both got changed into a some jeans and shirts. They left the house locking the door behind them. Taehyung grabbed Jungkook and put it in his pocket, holding it close.

Jungkook should be nervous meeting Taehyung's parents, but to be honest it didn't really matter. Jungkook is sure he would reject them if they rejected him.

They left the building walking to the direction of the city. They walked in peaceful silence all the way to the shops. Taehyung stopped in for the of an ice cream shop.

"It's hot enough to have one of these now," Taehyung grinned.

They walked up to the counter, Jungkook got double chocolate, and Taehyung got a quadruple chocolate milkshake. Jungkook laughed as Taehyung said his order.

"What?" Taehyung whisper shouted at Jungkook to keep the atmosphere of the shop calm.

"Quadruple chocolate?" He snorted, "that's like a choice of a thirteen year old girl looking to get high."

"A thirteen year old girl looking to get high," Taehyung mused.

Their order was ready, and they left the shop. Taehyung with his chocolatey drink, Jungkook with his chocolatey ice cream. Taehyung took his hand out of his pocket in search of Jungkook's hand. He looked over when he didn't feel it and saw Jungkook with the ice cream in one hand and a spoon in the other.

He sighed through a pout. They continued walking aimlessly when Jungkook got an idea. He changed course Taehyung following him. He continued to walk through an alley out of the high street, and on to the house behind the shops.

He made his way through the streets. Taehyung following mindlessly. Taehyung stayed in his dazed state when he finally noticed a change on pattern. He could feel the walking up hill. It was obvious by how much a pain in the ass it is.

But Taehyung felt a little off something about the area they're in seemed familiar in the worst was possible

He wanted to say something but decided not to noticing Jungkook's excited expression. He instead walked ahead to stand next to Jungkook, taking his hand. They continued walking til' they got to the top of the hill.

Once there Taehyung noticed a huge building and a long line. He felt vibrations in the ground and the pounding music. They were going to a club.

Taehyung instantly felt sick. He hadn't been in such an environment for a while and in this moment he was glad. He doesn't even remember how he managed to gain the habit of partying. This was one of his favourite clubs.

Taehyung saw how happy Jungkook looked and he couldn't destroy it over an addiction he'd already gotten over. Jungkook walked towards the line, but Taehyung stopped him.
Jungkook looked confused, but Taehyung's smirk reassured him.

They walked to the front of the line. The security guard took one glance at Taehyung and smiled.

"Tae! I haven't seen you here in about a year, what you been up to," the regular small talk brought a paint to Taehyung's stomach.

"You know settling down," he said with a smirk placing his hand around Jungkook's waist.

The guy looked Jungkook up and down making him blush, and smiled, "you always get the pretty ones."

Taehyung smiled falsely. Feeling even more sick by the second. But he could hold up for Jungkook.

"Well anyway, you two have fun!" He said letting them in.

They got in and instantly all the chocolate Taehyung had eaten rushed up to his throat. He ran to the bathroom he'd memorised the placement of. He walked in see two guys making out, instantly feeling more nauseous.

He bent over and threw up all the chocolate in the toilet bowl. This disgusting atmosphere mixed with the disbelief of his parents mixed with the excessive amount of chocolate he had. Made him sick, very sick.

Jungkook ran into the bathroom. Once he spotted Taehyung he ran towards him. Jungkook placed a hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Baby, you okay?" He asked obviously worried.

"Yeah I'm fine, just- can we get out of here?" He asked his face pale.

Taehyung felt a lot better hearing Jungkook's voice.

"Yeah of- of course, let's go," he said getting up helping Taehyung.

"Let's leave through the back door," Taehyung whispered since he had almost strength.

"Yeah- Okay."


Taehyung got rid of all his clothes as soon as then entered their flat. He flopped onto the bed his stomach ached.

"S-sorry," Jungkook apologised.

"You didn't do anything, I just achieved that thirteen year old's dream," Taehyung laughed getting up.

Jungkook chuckled too.

Taehyung made his way to the bathroom, he threw up again. He didn't have a cold, Nah he just has a constant nauseating feeling. He brushed his teeth, then went to sit on the dining table to complete his assignment.


I'm thinking of realising another book since this one is almost over, what do you think?

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