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Wow, I read some of the last chapter and there are so many grammar mistakes. I'll have to revise the whole book near the ending. Also this chapter's short :(

Taehyung was forever awkward now. He couldn't even look Jungkook in the eye. It seems him having knowledge of wanting to be more than friends with Jungkook has made him hyper sensitive to anything Jungkook does.

Jungkook took a piece of meat off Taehyung's salad with chopsticks. Taehyung watched his hand go from the tray all the way back to his mouth. His eyes stopped on Jungkook's lips and couldn't stop looking. His lips were plump and pouty. He was so tempted to kiss them.

Jimin and Jungkook stopped talking and averted their attention to the unusually quiet boy. Jungkook looked at Taehyung with furrowed eyebrows curios as to what he was looking at with so much emotion. He followed his eyes but it didn't lead to anything specific. Jimin also followed Taehyung's eyes and led directly to Jungkook's lips.

Jimin quickly tapped Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung turned around about to snap at the boy, but upon noting his face he kinda realised what went on. So he quickly said something.

"Jimin we should get going don't want to be late for our classes," he said in a hurried voice .

"But there's still—" Jungkook tried.

"Yeah, let's get going tae!"

They both left out the cafeteria in a hurry leaving Jungkook alone.

"Dude you've totally fallen," Jimin said.

Taehyung sighed, "I know."

"Why don't you ask him out?"

"I was going to ask him to the incredibles,"

"But you got caught up staring at his lips," Jimin laughed.

Taehyung blushed.


Jungkook picked up his, Jimin's and Taehyung 's trays and threw the rubbish away placing them back where they belong. He made his way to his English class alone. He sat in this seat by the window. And kinda just stared out there. It sucked when your friends where in different classes.

He took his phone out and stared at his beautiful background, blonde Taehyung in his youth. He looked over his face and saw how all his features had now matured since the time of the picture.

Jungkook didn't think much of the kisses they shared. He thought more about why he wanted it more, and why he wanted Taehyung to go further. He sighed, the boy is even more dense then Taehyung.

I am a hormonal teenager, so maybe it's just the sexual frustration. I haven't been done in a while, maybe I can ask Taehyung I'm sure he won't mind. He groaned in irritation, he knew it was more than just 'sexual frustration' he just blamed it.

The door opened and in walked Namjoon (the love doctor).

"Mr. Kim, I thought you only taught seniors."

"Well your teachers absent and the need a substitute."

"What about the advanced literature classes?"

"Ah they have a seminar with a college professor."


Jungkook turned his attention back to his phone, as Namjoon took a seat on the teachers desk. Jungkook let out another sigh he's been doing it way to often, in fact they've all been doing it too often.

"Is something up?" Namjoon asked.

"Yeah." Jungkook pouted.

"Want to talk about it?"

"Yeah," Jungkook started, "so... I have this friend and we commonly share in acts of kissing and maybe... touching each other... and well I think I'm starting to feel attraction towards him although... I don't believe it. It's not that I don't want to I just don't want to end up saying something and then things becoming awkward."

"The first part in any relationship is understanding the feelings you have, for example a student of mine the other day asked me why people kiss, he wanted to know if it meant anything or just doing it for the sake of it. And I told him that kissing is another way of saying you affect me, he then understood he had feeling for the person he was talking about so when you engage in the act think more about what you feel rather then what you're doing."

Jungkook had to really process that in order to understand that although he did come to the conclusion he felt happy during the time they kissed.

"Who asked you?" Jungkook asked.


"Who asked you why people kiss?" Jungkook repeated.

"Ah it was one of my favourite students, Kim Taehyung," Namjoon admitted.


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