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Enjoy ;)

Taehyung was walking home in the now slightly warmer breeze it was no longer the freezing cold end of winter, beginning of spring, now it was spring. It was still cold though just not that cold.

It takes about fifteen minutes to walk to Seokjin's restaurant from their flat, and ten minutes from school. So he'd decided to take the his shift after school up in til' sun set.
That way he and his kookie could watch the sunset, and he'll have enough time to get on homework.

Weekends he could spend with his one and only. Speaking of he got a message from Jungkook, "call me when you get off." Taehyung snorted, 'get off'. He dialled Jungkook.

"Hey babe,"

"Ooh I miss you," Jungkook said through a pout, "so... d'you do everything you intended to do?" Jungkook asked wanting Taehyung to feel lighter.

"Yep," he said with glee, "everything, I can go into college carefree now!"

Jungkook smiled happy Taehyung was happy, that was love to Jungkook feeling the emotions the other felt. Happiness, sadness, annoyance. He wanted to feel what Taehyung was feeling. He was happy they could.

"I'm so glad, I love you," Jungkook said.

"Love you more... Alright I'll see you at in a bit."

Taehyung took the keys out his pocket as the door came into view. He unlocked the door to see a very seductive looking boy sitting on his bed. Jungkook sat in red panties, and pretty much nothing else.

"You sure you can handle it, I still see you waddle sometimes?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook pouted getting on all fours arching his back. He crawled to the edge of the bed getting off.

"Alright then I'll get changed," Jungkook dramatically sighed.

Before Jungkook could get into the bathroom he was pinned against the door. Taehyung kissed his pink lips, he pulled away thumb grazing over Jungkook's lips. He planted another kiss a lot lighter and filled with more love.

He moved down marking the boy before him. He licked and bit and kissed and suck all over Jungkook's body. "You're beautiful," He breathed against Jungkook's tanned soft skin.


They were both sat in the bath tub once again, same potion as last time. Both dripping in water. Taehyung looked up at the ceiling and sighed. He had this undying feeling in his chest.

It made his heart heavy. It was painful it was constantly dragging him down and at the most random times it was ache incredibly. The feeling had taken over him now, and he despised it even more.

He was meant to feel closure. He no longer relayed on people, he had no more bad alcoholic habits, he had a beautiful, loving boyfriend. Why was he still feeling like this, it sucked. Imagine solving all your problems, having someone to come home to, a good job, but still feeling a pain that just wouldn't go away.

He knew what it was but he would never like to admit it. In fact he hated thinking he knew it, but he didn't only think he knew it. He really fucking knew it and it hurt like a bitch.

He wanted to cry so bad. But he didn't, tears wouldn't come out.

"What're you think about?" Jungkook asked this time.

"Parents," Taehyung answered simply.

"Ah... does it hurt?" Jungkook asked after a pause.

"Yeah..., it-it hurts a lot," Taehyung forced out.

Jungkook moved closer, water swaying, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck. Taehyung instantly moved his head into the crook of Jungkook neck. He suddenly felt like he was finally able to cry, he let out tears, soundless tears. But Jungkook felt them as they dropped down his back.

Jungkook smiled, he was glad that Taehyung could lean on him too, he was glad he could offer some sort of support. Although he wasn't glad Taehyung had an undying pain that seemed he could never relive.


It was the weekend. He could spend it with his boyfriend, but he... didn't feel like it. It's not that he doesn't want to spend time with Jungkook, in fact he wanted to. But he didn't want to cry and he didn't want Jungkook to carry his burden.

So he called the restaurant and asked if he could do an extra shift for extra money. He also wanted to take Jungkook out on a date so extra cash would be amazing.

"Sorry kook, they called  me in for a shift," Taehyung said slightly guilty, but he needed it, he needed to be alone.

"But-but it's the weekend, we should spend time together," Jungkook whined.

Taehyung felt really bad, "how about when I get back we have some fun?"

Jungkook blushed and Taehyung, cooing at his cuteness, moved closer to kiss his nose.

"O-okay," Jungkook squeaked.


He entered the cafe and instantly grabbed an apron. A teenage couple came in, holding hands. Taehyung instantly greeted them getting them a table towards the back. He placed menus down in front of them.

He brought some bread and spreadable cheese. He placed it in front of them, "Are your ready to order?"

"Yes..." they said their order. Taehyung took the order to the kitchen, and got their drinks, placing it in front of them.

As Taehyung was clearing up a table he overheard the couple arguing. He looked over his shoulder to see an obviously pissed off girl.

"Listen babe, if you tell me what's bothering you we can work through it together, don't try to fool me by suggesting cute dates to keep me distracted," the boy said to the girl.

"I'm not keeping anything from you though," the girl said calming down a little.

"I'm not saying your keeping things from me, but you are... distancing yourself from me," the boy said expression softening.

"Whatever..." she said with a pout, "we'll talk about this at home let's just enjoy the food."

Taehyung thinking about their conversation, went to grab their order. He placed it front of them. "Enjoy your meal," he said somewhat dazed.


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