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Jungkook and Taehyung were sat in the canteen along with Jimin sharing their experiences from yesterday's events. They were a very nice group of friends, putting each other down, while cheering them on.

Jungkook finished his food, then rested his head on Taehyung's shoulder, Taheyung of course pulling him closer. Jungkook grinned, Taehyung kissing the top of his head.

"When did you two get together?" Jungkook blushed. Taehyung smiled.

"We-we're not t-together!" Jungkook exclaimed at Jimin.

"What's wrong with dating me?" Taehyung pouted, teasing Jungkook.

Jungkook raised his head eyes widened looking at Taehyung.

"Uh Nothing wr-wrong with you, in fact e-everything's right with you, it-it's just we really aren't together, so-so why would I or y-you say we are." Jungkook rambled, while both Jimin and Taehyung laughed at him.


There was still almost ten minutes left for break to end, so Jimin went back to the 'elite building.' Jungkook grabbed Taehyung taking him out of the canteen to his empty math class.

"You don't know how much I miss you in the class,"

Taheyung smirked walking over to him. He put his hands on jungkook's waist lightly squeezing it. Rubbing circles on Jungkook's hip bone with his thumb.

"Oh yeah what d'you miss about me?" He asked looking into Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook's breath got caught in his throat.

"Just your p-presence," Jungkook managed to squeak out.

Taheyung pulled him closer for a kiss. Their lips met for a long sweet kiss. It was so soft, their lips moved together in sink. They moved so perfectly against each other's.It was nice. Jungkook's wide eyes soon closed, he lifted his hands up to Taehyung's neck. The pair acted like a couple, and maybe they wanted to be one too.

They both simultaneously smiled into the kiss. They pulled away both giggling.

"Ah, I'm so glad you asked me to be your cuddle buddy," Taehyung said leaning his fore head on Jungkook's.

"I'm glad I asked you too," he grinned cheekily.

The stayed like that for a few minutes, just admiring each other, until they both flinched away at the sound of the bell. The both turned pink.

"I guess I'll see you later," Taehyung satiated quickly walking out.


"So today class, You have to write an essay about an important moment in your life. You have to state why that moment is, how it made you feel emotionally, and how it affected your life for the better or worse. I'll show you an example then you can start it in class, Finnish it at home. And you'll have to present it, basically the task is to write a change in your life."

Taehyung groaned, he honestly had one life changing moment, and that was coming out to his parents. He could write about that but it was an extremely personal experience, something he'd rather no share with his teacher. But since he didn't like questioning topics picked by teachers he'll just write about it.

After Namjoon showed them a sample essay, and how to structure it they began. As they were writing he said, "try to let the reader feel the emotions you felt."

The most important moment in my life is when I came out to my parents as bisexual. I honestly didn't know their views on the topic. Maybe if I know they absolutely despised even the possibility of same sex relationships I wouldn't have come out. Honestly getting it out was a breath of fresh air but when I was on the streets for two days I and really experienced the fresh air it wasn't so nice.

I came out to my parents as bisexual almost three years ago and since then I have never received a call, a message, or a letter. I didn't expect one either. I wouldn't say I regret telling them, since I'm content with my life now, but maybe a few about two weeks ago I would've.

I moved to Seoul with one of my friends who was attending college here...

The bell rang and the students stopped writing. Taehyung put his pen in his pocket and grabbed his rack sack. Taehyung got up, and before leaving he threw his essay in the bin.

"Hey Taehyung I think you dropped something," Namjoon said taking Taehyung's essay out the trash.

"Oh no I-I just don't like how it turned out."

"Are you sure you didn't just write about the most important moment in your life, then realise its to personal so you decided to just make something up," Namjoon smirked.

"Wow you caught on," Taehyung laughed, despite him being wrong.

Taehyung left and Namjoon unfolded the paper reading it. His eyes softened, Taehyung was a really admirable kid, with talent for writing. He finished it and threw it in the trash. The format of writing really sucked and Namjoon's sure Taehyung was aware of that, that's probably why he threw it away.

Taehyung was never afraid to tell people he was bi, it was the explaining the feelings part that made him uncomfortable. He didn't like people know his hardships. He only wanted people to see the final product of what he was working on. Jungkook was an exception.

Next chapter will be longer hopefully. 💜 And also over 200 reads I'm—

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