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I'm not sure if anyone noticed this last chapter, but Jungkook was in geography class, and asked the teacher for a history book, World War One, when I realised and found it funny.

Before Jungkook knew it he was sat in his art class. The weekend went by fast, Taehyung coming over whenever he felt tired.

He was daydreaming. He still couldn't get over Taehyung coming over like that, before the weekend started. He didn't ask Taehyung, why he came so late, or if he felt forced to come. But it shouldn't be on his mind it's none of his business, he never cared if one of his past cuddle buddies didn't show up.

Jungkook couldn't help but think he was at Lisa's. And for some reason he felt insecure he didn't know why and it pissed him off. He felt like Lisa, a girl he knew nothing about, was better then him.

To sum it up Jungkook is catching feelings for Taehyung. Although he always trys to justify whatever he felt.

To him it'd be weird since they've only really known each other for like three days Jungkook tired to convince himself. But Taehyung is handsome and polite and funny and cute and respectful and so many other things Jungkook has yet to learn.

Jungkook didn't want to see Taehyung. But he also really wanted to see Taehyung. It was that horrible yet charming feeling.

"Okay class, today I'll be introducing you to your new project!" The teacher announced excitedly. "So this is a pair project, you and your pair have to prepare a mural painting. It will consist of six small canvases. The point is you should be able to remove any part of the mural and you should still be able to make out the original picture."

The class cheered, nothing is more fun then messing around with paint and your mates. "I will be choosing your partner, so that everyone has a person who can actually paint and one who'll just give compliments to the other."

When given projects in class they get to start in class then finish it at home. Jungkook internally groaned, he didn't want to have to let someone into his house or go to someone else's house.

The teacher called all the irrelevant people's names then he called Jungkook, "Jungkook and..." another irrelevant person "Wootak."

Or maybe not so irrelevant.


After art they had lunch so Jungkook stayed back for a bit, he didn't really want to see Taehyung. But he also had the killing urge to go talk to him too.

"Jungkook? Aren't you coming?" Wootak questioned.


There was a pause.

"Hey, you were hanging out with Taehyung yesterday right?" He was obviously trying to start a conversation, but Jungkook definitely didn't want any of it.


"Cool," there was a long pause, "so are you two close... or something?"

"What's it to you?"

"Well y'know he's attracted to guys and —"

Wootak slowly walked closer to Jungkook. He put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, sending a wave of chills through his back. He leaned down and put his head next to Jungkook's ear and whispered,

"you also happen to give me gay vibes." It seemed he was threatening Jungkook.

He retracted his head and took a step back placing his hands in his pockets, Jungkook turned around slowly his eyes darkening.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Aside from the fact it's disgusting?"

Jungkook looked down and laughed sarcastically before lifting his darkened eyes up glaring through his bangs, "well I guess I'm disgusting."


Taehyung was in the lunch hall with Jimin it looked like it was going to rain today so they stayed inside. It was almost ten minutes into lunch when Jungkook joined them.

"Kookie!" Taehyung called in a somewhat baby voice.

"Tae!" He teased.

"Why're you late to lunch?" Jimin asked.

"I had art, and stayed back for a few minutes."

Jungkook sat next to Taehyung. He then took some food of Taehyung's tray and ate it.

"Yes eat more you shouldn't skip meals," Taehyung moved the tray closer to Jungkook.

Jungkook grinned eating the rest of Taehyung's food.

"Anyway as I was saying, chicken —"

"Hey Tae oppa~" Lisa greeted coming out of literally no where.

Jungkook turned his focus from the food he was eating, to Lisa. Lisa was in a high waist skirt, with a crop top. You could see her stomach and rib cage. Jungkook stared at the food he was eating then back at her thin body. Should I start a diet?

"Listen Lisa I don't want to form any type of relationship with you, you're better off just trying to get in Bobby's pants."

Taehyung's statement brought a smile to Jungkook's lips. Something Jimin definitely caught.

Lisa left and Jungkook pushed his food away. Taehyung pulled Jungkook towards him, forcing Jungkook's head down on Taehyung's shoulder.

Jungkook closed his eyes. When he opened them he was met with the glaring eyes of Wootak. Jungkook wincked at him then moved closer to Taehyung.


Taehyung's face was buried in Jungkook's neck. His breathing was light suggesting he was still awake. He heard soft snores coming from Jungkook. He brought his fingers to Jungkook's thigh and caressed it with his finger tips.

Jungkook was soft. Taehyung slowly raised his fingers higher so they reached the bottom of Jungkook's very short shorts. He felt an attraction to Jungkook one he wasn't  used to feeling. In fact never truly felt before.

It's not just sexual attraction.

He pushed those thought to the back of his mind. And focused his attention on the boy sleeping peacefully in front of him. Taehyung repositioned his hand and heard Jungkook whimper. Taehyung's fingers paused.

Jungkook opened his eyes then turned to look over his shoulder,

"You're not asleep, yet?"

"Yeah, for some reason I just can't sleep." He continued caressing Jungkook's upper thigh.

Jungkook turned around pushing his head into Taehyung's neck and forcing Taehyung's arms around his waist. Their legs intertwined.

"Hey Tae d'you know that Wootak guy?" Jungkook thought that making conversation would make Taehyung tiered.

"Yeah... we used to be friends, but when I got a boyfriend, we drifted apart. I apparently didn't spend enough time with him anymore."

Jungkook hummed, "did he call you disgusting?"

"Nah, we just stopped talking, ...d'you know Wootak?"

"M'yeah we have to work on an art assignment together, unfortunately."

Jungkook cuddled closer to Taehyung, "you're warm."

Taehyung's cheeks tinted. He closed his eyes and rested his head on top of Jungkook's,

"You're warmer."


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