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The weather matched my mood today, dull and gloomy

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The weather matched my mood today, dull and gloomy. It was Maddie and I's first day at our new school in LA, which meant the whole day was sure to be stressful and filled with anxiety. We're only here for Demi, and her career. I was fine in Texas, it was comfortable and I knew it like the back of my hand.

Mom tried to convince me that new beginnings are blessings and that I'm going to love it here. Isn't that what they all say before everything falls to pieces? Maddie was excited, basically half of her friends live in LA, why wouldn't she be? We're opposites in everything we say and do, I didn't think the opinion of moving would be the exception.

The car ride so far has been silent, besides the music softly coming from my sisters earphones. It was nice except the fact I've been crammed in the backseat with the leftover boxes and two overstuffed backpacks, because Maddie called shotgun before I could. When Dallas and Demi still lived at home it was always the oldest got dibs. What ever happened to that?

My nerves were already making my body shake and my bottom lip was bleeding because of subconsciously chewing it, so when I saw the school come into view I felt my heart drop into my stomach.

"Look girls, there it is!" Mom perked up, pointing at the rather small building. Maddie took her earphones out and the two of them started to bond over their mutual anticipation. I wish I could say something, I wish I could lie and act normal. But I just couldn't. Something inside me was screaming this is going to end badly, this is not a good idea.

I started to take deeper breaths as we pulled in to the parking lot, and I could feel my heart beating out of its chest when mom slowed down and put the car in park. I tried to combat the negative thoughts with the basic encouragements but somehow that made me feel even worse.

"You girls have a great day, I love ya'll, and I'll be here at 3 to pick you up!" Mom announced way too enthusiastic for my taste, as she reached for Maddie's backpack beside me.

"We will, bye mom" Maddie grumbled out as she got out casually. How is she not even the slightest bit nervous.

"Uhm, yeah, bye mom" I squeaked out as I pulled my backpack strap over my shoulder and got out of the nice, warm, safe car. Without wasting any time, mom drove off leaving me to watch her disappear like I did when I was little. I focused back to the entrance and noticed Maddie was already inside. The instinct of finding her kicked in, so I quickly made my way to the large double doors.


I've made it to lunch, which in all honesty is a personal achievement I wasn't sure I could accomplish. Maddie is a year below me, so we don't have any classes together. I can't say I've made any friends, but I haven't exactly made any enemies.. that counts for something right?

The school was small, and each class only had about 50 students. I didn't do much research but I think it's some sort of private school because my last one had hundreds per class. The lunchroom was filled despite that, and all I wanted was to find Maddie.

After bumping into a smelly guy, and uncomfortable eye contact with almost everyone there, I spotted my sister sitting with a group of girls, and even a few guys. When did she care to talk to guys?

"Hey Maddie, is it okay if I sit here?" I asked almost carelessly, thinking she wouldn't mind. Maybe this is where I'll make friends. But the look on her face seemed to be one of embarrassment. Maddie was about to speak up, but another female voice cut her off.

"Olivia, is it?" A girl with strawberry blonde hair asked with fake curiosity. I nodded my head slowly, not processing what was happening.

"We don't wanna seem rude or anything, but I don't know you, and I don't think I want too. You see your sister here is totally interesting.. and by the looks of it, well, you're not." The girl finished, with a smile that made my insides burn with a hatred I don't think I've ever felt before. The kids around her started to laugh, only fueling it.

I looked over to Maddie, surely she wasn't going to sit back and watch this girl treat me so badly. What I saw turned the fire into a heavy weight. She was looking down at her plate, playing with her food, acting as though nothing had happened. I thought this stuff only happened in those horribly acted out tv shows.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, and as much as I wanted to defend myself I knew just because I couldn't find a friend, doesn't mean she doesn't deserve them. I didn't want to ruin what she had found. So I walked off without saying a word, telling myself I told you so.


The first day was at an end, the final bell having rung 5 minutes ago. I had took my time heading out to the parking lot where mom was waiting to pick us up. I wasn't sure what I was gonna say when she asked me how school went. Do I rat Maddie out? Do I beg to go back to Texas? I mean what good would that do?

I don't want Maddie to hate me, she's the only person my age I have left, and she's my sister, I have to have some type of loyalty. And Texas is out of the question, I've been there tried that. So I wiped my tears and unlocked the bathroom stall, checking my appearance one last time before I left. The anxiety and pressure I felt against my chest had faded away; but in its place was something I could not place. I felt.. numb.

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