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I've traveled to Dallas for Demi's funeral. The car ride was long and exhausting but I finally made it.

The funeral starts soon. I can already see people heading to the church service they're having before the burial.
I chose not to go to that. I think it's stupid. If Demi's going anywhere it sure isn't heaven. So why pretend.

Also it's just plain sad to see your dead sister laying in her casket so maybe you can understand why I didn't want to go.

When the funeral did start I put on my big black floppy hat that matches my black outfit and put my black sunglasses on even though it was anything but sunny outside. In fact it looked as though it was going to rain.

I stepped out of my car and headed to the funeral that I so dreaded. I wish it was one of those things you could watch on tv because hell I've lost all feelings. I have none. Ever since I watched the news on that eventful day.

My feelings have been pushed aside. That light switch has been turned off.

I made my way up to where every one was standing. Everyone had remorse written all over there face. Half of them I've never seen in my life. Probably distant cousins.

Then I saw them. My "family".
Madison was no longer that little 12 year old girl. She was a women now. Probably around the age of 16. And sweet Melinda now 15. Standing there crying. I quietly took my place in the very back right behind a tree as I watched behind it.

People went up and read speeches and did all the usual funeral related things.
That's when Madison turned around, eyes Every one in the crowd and when she saw me she stopped for a second puzzled. I quickly dissapeard back to my car. I was almost running now. They buried Demi I didn't miss anything from this lousy funeral.

Everyone started leaving as i hurriedly made my way to my car. "Hey, wait!" I heard a familiar voice call out. Madison damn it. I turned around and smiled.
"Hey, sorry for your loss, must be terrible"

"I know who you are" she said
"Do you now?" I asked bluntly
"You're Olivia. Our Olivia."

Olivia DeLaGarzaWhere stories live. Discover now