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I took the stuff and laid it out. I need to see if there's.. I can't believe I'm about to say this.. But a spell that can take me back home.. Fast. I scanned the pages.. "Teleportation spell" ok Thai should be good. I thought of where I needed to be and recited the spell.

"I am here, I am there teleport me anywhere" and before I knew it I was in my bedroom. It felt good to be home even if I was only gone for a day or 2. It felt weird to be back knowing who I was. It felt cool to travel like that. Just say words and I'm anywhere I wanna be.

I slowly got up and opened the door and crept down the stairs. It was still pretty early and everyone was asleep . It was chilly in the house I still had my bag in my hand. I looked in the living room through the kitchen and saw Demi.. She was awake holding the letter crying.

I slowly walked into the living room and sat next to her on the couch. She didn't notice who I was through her tears "please just go away" she said crying . A smile was on my face from the irony. "Eh not in the mood" I said.

She slowly turned her head towards me and when she saw me she sat there stunned. She immediately brought me in for a hug and started sobbing. "I love you" I could barely make out what she said but I knew it was all she could say. For once I felt loved.

I pulled back and decided it was Demi that needed to know first about us being witches. I need to show you something.. Demi smiled and just laughed and said ok, I guess just because she never thought she'd hear my voice again.

Ok this might sound crazy but..

Olivia DeLaGarzaWhere stories live. Discover now