Chapter 6

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Zoey's (P.O.V.)

My body was in pain, I had many bruises on my sore body I had a couple of tears running my face. As Grace walked through the door with a huge suitcase. She looked at me and gave me a gentle hug so she wouldn't hurt me.

Grace: "When do you wanna leave to go to the bank, then after the bank ill drive to StarCross Hotel?"

Me: "Whenever, it doesn't really matter to me."

Grace: "Do you wanna leave now?" she said with a huge smile on her face.

Me: "Okay!"

Grace helped me to the car since it was hard to walk. I got in the car, Grace went back inside to get her suitcase. She then put her suitcase in the trunk. We live in L.A. and StarCross Hotel was also in L.A. so it wasn't really that far. As Grace pulled up to the bank she helped me out of the car and to the A.T.M. I swiped the card and entered the four digit code. I then saw that he had a lot of money, I grabbed out 5,000 dollars, but I wanted to use it wisely. Grace helped me back to the car, As I buckled my seatbelt and set the directions to StarCross Hotel.

I called my cousin ,who works there, and he was cool with getting us a room for free. As soon as we pulled into the curb (at the hotel) they grabbed Graces suitcase and we went inside the Hotel. The hotel was huge! It had lights, spas, food, and a huge crowed of fans, which was odd. We decided not to worry about it. We walked to the front counter and there was my cousin we didn't really talk to him but we said thanks and took our key and made ourselves walk to the elevator Grace was still helping me walk. I was wearing Skinny jeans,and a long sleeve shirt so no one can see the bruises. As we hit the button to go to floor 36, just as the door was about to closed someone said

"Wait! Hold the door!"

So we did there were 4 boys that looked the same age as us 17 and 18. I was 17 and Grace was 18. Grace played a 5sos song and it was "out of my limit" So me and Grace didn't care if we were dancing in front of them. It hurt for me to dance, but I did it anyways and we sang a little. The boys were watching us. We paused the music because one of them said something.

"You sing pretty good" as one of them said looking at me and Grace, but was mostly looking at me.

"Thanks" I said

"So what's your name?"

"Im Zoey and this is Grace."

"Nice name."

"Thanks, so whats your names?"

"Well... Im Luke this is Ashton Thats Calum and that is Michael."

"Cool nice names, what a coincidence the band 5sos has the same names." as I giggled

"Yeah....about that... we are the band 5sos."

Grace's and I looked at each other.

"But how can you be them you don't look like them?"

They took off there disguises. Our mouths dropped to the floor.

"Please don't freak out!"

"We wont we are just surprised that everything that happened with Zoey we wouldn't of a expected this!" Grace said.

"What happened with Zoey?"

"Nothing!" Zoey said

Grace's (P.O.V)

The elevator opened and Zoey looked at me telling me that she needed help I put her arm around my shoulder and helped her out. The boys looked confused.

"Is she alright?" Luke asked

"No not really" Zoey said and we quickly left they followed

"Umm why are you following us?" I asked

"Were not we live in room 38."

"Wow we live in 37!"

"Maybe we can hang out sometime!?"


They left and so did we. We went in our room and I saw something so weird I had no words and just pointed and Zoey looked at me in shocked.

Authors Note!

I hope you like it pleases no hate like and comment!!! sorry if this is confusing! what dis Grace and Zoey see? read to find out! love yoy all thanks for reading!!!

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