Chapter 1:Welcome To The Parker's Family

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"Ladies and gentelmen, we have 10 minutes until the end of this match! Which of those 2 teams will get the trophy?" The commentators voice rings through the speakers. The stadium roars to life, people get up from their seats while waving their hands in random directions and shouting their favourite team's name.

You are probably wondering what the hell is going on right now, aren't you? Well to answer your question-we are currently playing one of the most exciting, but draining football matches known to man kind. And by we I mean our team.

I'm about to drop dead here. Mental and physical breakdown pending. Why? Well, mental because I have nearly used up all of my tactics on the opposite team-I hate to admit in but they are fricking good, and physical because I've been running around like this and chasing a a ball for about 60 minutes now (of course with breaks, but c'mon now it is tiring). That 5 minutes it's not really saving us either, so gotta think fast.

I know that it is probably not the best time to introduce myself, but I'll do it anyway. My name is Alexandria Parker, Alex for short. I have thick dark brown hair which are currently tied up into a high ponytail and are sticking to my sweaty face, green eyes, quiet pale skin which is now red from all the running and I am actually a captain of the football team. How? I honestly don't know, my friends came up with this idea for jokes and ever since then it just kind of stayed that way.

"We have to announce a short break everybody, but done worry we will be back shortly so grab another drink and we will be back in 2 minutes!"

Thank God! I thought they would never announce it. I roll my eyes.

"Alex!" Shouts Oliver who is running up to me.

Oliver Williams, well what can I say about him? He is the perfect description of a best friend. He was and always has been there for me whenever I need him. He has been like a second brother to me and I am so thankful to have someone like him in my life. Oliver has short blond hair, dark blue eyes and he is a bit taller than me, I would say 5'5 or 5'6.

Fun fact actually, our birthdays are literally day after day-his birthday is on the 3rd of March, whereas mine is on the 4th. Crazy right? Well not as crazy, but it's pretty cool in my opinion.

"What's up?" I question while walking over to my bag which is sitting on a side bench.

"Help me get the ball, I had enough of this team-let's attack" He comes up to me.

Guys grab water bottles and sit on a bench to get some rest while listening in.

"They have been getting on my nerves" I take my water battle, chug most of it and swallow "Let's do it" I nod "Guys?" I eye them "What do you say?"

"I say we go for it" Derek nods.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, all of you can support from behind"

Derek Hill is one of many players on our team. Derek has really dark brown, straight hair, brown eyes and is the same height as me. He is a really helpful friend, he always helps no matter what, a bright personality and he is always full of joy. Although at times he's the one that needs help. His mother is an alcoholic who couldn't care less about anything that is happening around her. If she has the money for alcohol she's the happiest woman alive, if she doesn't, she becomes very problematic. Derek's dad is abroad in Germany, his parents are not together though; they divorced a few years ago. He checks up on Derek but isn't much help.

"Okay, let's do that then" I nod "And we can also do that..."

I explain what I mean and what I want to do. Boys nod and we go over the changes quickly because our time is running out. The pitch positions and the attacking metchod.

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