Chapter 11:A Long Morning Full Of Surprises, And A Fast Passing By Week

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I feel myself being onto something really uncomfortable and hard, it's keep on coming up and down.

I reach with my hand to see what it is, however it wasn't 'it'-it was someone, and add to that this someone was shirtless!

Hesitatingly, I open my eyes and what I see lefts me shook-I am in Max's arms while hugging him and he is hugging me back tightly, there is completely no space between our bodies and our legs are interviewed together.

I move lightly and look up at him-he was still lightly asleep so he doesn't know what's happening, however I shake him to wake him up.

"Max!" I whisper-shout at him.

"What?" His morning raspy, deep, and tried-like voice.

I smack him lightly.

A loud groan escapes his lips and he finally looks at me.

'Why was that groan this loud and this sexy?' I think to myself 'Me and my hormones...I need to stop'

I mention for his to look down.

He does so and his eyes widen-he was just as shocked as I was when I saw us like this, but this changes almost immediately as he smirks-the smirk was wide and almost devilish-like-he hugs me even tighter and brings his face closer to mine: his face was so flipping close!

'What do I do?' I panic.

Our closeness made me realise that he still smells like lavender and lemon. Honestly, how? He smells so attractive, so refreshing and so pleasant. And you can't even tell if he showered or not.

Me on the other hand...Don't even get me started on this.

"Anyhow, morning baby cakes" He touches my nose.

His voice is way too fine in the mornings. Oh My God! I really have to stop and control myself.

"Morning sleepyhead. Can you let me go?" A huge smile on my face.

"What if I say-No?" A raised brow.

I pout in an instant.

Max laughs quietly-to not wake up others.

"Max, please! I need to shower" I beg while trying to wiggle out of his strong hold.

"No use in doing that" He says and I stop-he's right "Okay, okay. There you go" He opens his arms and sets me free.

I jump up and point my tongue out at him.

I walk pass the sleeping bodies onto the couches, and go towards the bathroom. The house was empty, as well as quiet-which means that Jack left earlier and dad was already at work.

"Do you want me to join you?" Max stands up himself while holding a seductive smile on his face.

"Yeah, sure" I walk into the bathroom while turning around and waiting for him to move.

He follows me with a shocked expression on his face.

Does he really think that I would let him in? Let's be rational.

Just before he enters inside, I shut the doors closed in front of his face.

"Aha! Got you!" I laugh "Sorry Max, maybe next time..." I'm just joking around with him-there won't be another time. Never!

"You better watch out when you come out!"

I roll my eyes at his warning.

The hot water was so gentle on my skin-that's what I needed, a hot shower. It always feels so refreshing to take a shower in the morning.

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