Chapter 26:Ella The Stylist. Sebastian's Birthday Party

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"Okay. You can do it, you got it!" I mumble to myself as I'm standing face-to-face with the gigantic doors leading to the King's house.

Sebastian's birthday finally approached and what I am doing? Well, currently standing outside and telling myself that everything will be okay even though I know that I may make myself look like an idiot/fool today in front of many people.

I bring my right hand up, about to ring the bell.

However the doors are swung open and in front of my face is a super gigantic bouquet of flowers, which are covering the view.

"Oh sorry!" Says a man while struggling to hold the flowers.

"Need a hand or any help?" I suggest.

"N-no, I'm fine. Thanks for the offer" He walks past me while leaving the doors open.

'Well, that was weird' I nod to myself.

I peek my head through the doors and see Max's mum-Ella.

She is standing on top of the stairs, trying to organise the different types of bouquets with flowers and decorations.

'What the...'

I walk inside and look around.

'Yep, here we go. This is going to be a really long and interesting day'

Max's mum immediately notices me and smiles "Hey Alex! Come in, come in darling" She mentions for me to come inside and hops off the stairs.

'What an energetic woman...As I look at all of this I already feel tried'

She hugs me tight.

I return the hug.

Ella lets me go and places a hand onto my shoulder "And? What do you think?"

"It looks amazing" I nod.

Ella smiles and winks at me.

"I guess it was and still is a lot of work"

"Oh yes" She huffs.

I laugh.

All the decorations are beautiful, colourful and from what I can see-really expensive-giving off that rich vibe (somehow).

"Sebastian will be in heaven"

"You think?" Ella's eyes sparkle.

"Yeah, surely" I nod.

She clasps her hands.

It's definitely one of those fancy birthday party's. Like the ones you see in movies where a millionaire/billionaire has a birthday party thrown. I mean, come on-you can clearly see it.

'It's crazy' I think to myself.

You just wait and I'm sure that I will make myself look like a fool today without even trying hard. I really have a bad feeling in my guts.

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