Chapter 10:New Team Member And Important Event Coming Up

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"Boys! I have an announcement to make!" I shout while clapping my hands.

Soon after all of them are sat next to me while waiting-along with Ryan, Jacob and Max on the side.

"We needed a new team member, right?"

"Yeah, so what?" Oliver looks at me confused.

"I found someone!" I say rather proudly and move closer to Max while looking at all of them.

They are all waiting impatiently.

"Max will be a new team member!" I announce.

Seconds later boys cheer, shout and give Max a big 'bro hug'-something that I did not expect, but I was happy. And believe me it was worth it-the huge smile onto Max's face gave it all away.

"How do you all like this idea?"

"That's one of the best news that I got to know from a really long time" Derek says with a smile onto his face even through I could clearly see that the incident with his mother was still bothering him, however he's better and he got a good amount of sleep-I just hope that things will sort themselves out.

"I'm honestly surprised, but happy and excited" Jett jumps right after.

"Man we need someone like you" Natan places a hand onto Max's back "With your knowledge we will get to the top!"

"We will be at the top-no matter what" Adds Jackson while winking.

Twins just made some weird noises at the back while running around like little children.

That was followed by a large wave from the whole team-like the one that people do on a soccer matches.

I can't with them sometimes.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Ryan asks Max.

"I just made my decision yesterday-I want to give it another try"

"My guy!" Jacob bro fists Max.

"We need to celebrate!" Zane shoots "But where and when?"

"Alex's house?" Oliver jumps.

As soon as that question was thrown everyone look at me.

"What? I don't even know if my dad will let and allow us to do that, and I swear if you all don't stop looking at me right now I'll make you loose your one and only chance to have children ever again"

As on command all of them loosen their glares on me.

That makes me finally breathe again.

"Come on! We all know your dad won't have any problem"

I shake my head while struggling my shoulders.

"Exactly! Add to that my dear friend, all our parents know each other and they also know that we are safe with you-they trust you 100%. Am I right?" Oliver turns around.

Boys shout in agreement as a response.

I roll my eyes "I guess I don't have any other choice, do I?"


"Aha..." I mentally slap myself.

"What's going on here?" Coach asks as he makes his way up to us.

"We have a new team member!" Twins announce.

"Can you 2 please stop speaking at the same time? That creeps me out" Zane puts his hands up and shivers while walking away.

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