{chapter 04}

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[madalaine's pov]

It was horrible after Vanessa left. Travis couldn't stop touching me, and saying that i was his. And normally i wood enjoy this. I love it when Travis claims me and touches me and kisses me but, i couldn't sit and enjoy it knowing my bestfriend is probably really hurt. So as soon as Travis dropped me off at my house i texted Vanessa to come over.

M- hey, can you stop by? I wanna talk about today
V- sure. I have to get my car from your place anyways. I'll have to call another Uber
M- I'll get one for you, on me.
V- you don't have to mads, I'll see you soon
M- okay, see you soon.

As i waited for Vanessa to come, i watched Shane Dawson. One of my favorite YouTubers ever. Then i heard a door slam close from outside. And a loud knocking on my door.

"Are you alright? You seemed flustered"

She hustled into my house sitting at one of the chairs at the island.

I quickly walked over to her "what's wrong?"

"Boys are perverts"

I didn't understand "what? Why? What happened?" 

"I get into the Uber and I'm just sitting there. And then the guy is gonna ask me if i wanted to go home with him, said i was hot and all that. I told him no I'm going over my friends house and that's it. He scoffed and called me a dyke. Why you may ask, i don't know.  i said friend not girlfriend. and if it wasn't for me threatening to call the police i probably wouldn't be here right now. I probably would be getting raped or something ."

I placed my hand on her thigh "Vanessa I'm sorry you had to go through that"

she began playing with her rings "yeah, it's no fun"

I looked at her, she looked so sad and broken. But i know it's not because of what happened with the Uber driver.

"What did you want to talk about?"
She looked up at me. And now we were staring into each other's eyes again.


Vanessa rolled her eyes
"I don't want to talk about him"

"We need to"

"Why? Why do we need to talk about your boyfriend?"

"Because Vanessa he's messing with our friendship!" I yelled, which shocked Vanessa.

And once again it was silent. This quiet, silent shit needs to stop happening.
"Sorry" i murmured 

"It's ok, i can understand where your coming from. We should talk about it."

"I'm gonna start with this, I'm sorry for what happened today. I'm sorry that he blew up at you. As you know Travis is very possessive of me. And i guess he thinks of you as a threat."

The brunet began to laugh

I arched my eyebrow "What's so funny?"

"He thinks I'm a threat?" She slapped her knee "that's a knee slapper!"

"Vanessa this is no time to laugh, we're talking"

she immediately stopped "Sorry, just cause we kissed in a tv show. repeat, tv show doesn't mean we're in love"

I breathed heavy "that's what i tried to tell him, but he doesn't get it. He doesn't like our characters being together. I think that it makes it worse cause we're bestfriends outside of the show"

she frowned "so if it was anyone else besides me, he would feel better about you kissing them?"

"Pretty much"

"Wow." She jumped off her seat and screamed "Gosh darnet, why does Toni have to be fucking gay!"


"Madalaine this-" she moved her pointer finger between her and me "-our characters, their causing us unnecessary drama"


She interrupted me
"Madalaine admit it, this is drama"

i huffed "its drama"

"Thank you, now that we're done talking, i should go. We have a long day playing the characters that start shit on and of camera" she waved her hand in the air as she opened the door

"see you tomorrow mads"
And with that, she was gone

A/N: s/o to the writers that have like 1000 words in their story's and update like everyday. Their writing legends. How are you guys feeling about the story so far? Hope your enjoying it🤗

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