{chapter 05}

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[vanessa's pov]

when i heard we were doing Carrie the musical i was astatic. I've loved that musical since i was a kid, so being able to play a role in it was a dream come true. Though not a big role, i was still in La La land about it. But obviously Cheryl and Toni have this song together and a whole entire scene where i have to look right into her eyes AND grab her chin while we sing. I wouldn't mind doing all this if Travis wasn't an issue. But he is, and i do.
Me and Madalaine had to go to the studio to record the song. And guess who had to join? The devil himself. Travis. I picked up the headphones from off the microphone stand

"I don't get why he had to come"

"He said he wanted to hear my beautiful voice"

i scoffed "yeah sure he did"

"Vanessa i rather him not be here to ok? It only makes things awkward between us and i don't want that"

"i don't want it either, but until you do something with your dick of a boyfriend, nothing is going to change."

The redhead put her head down "he is a dick, isn't he" she questioned

"a huge one".

The man working our session stood up "You lady's ready?"

"Yeah, totally"

he stuck his thumb up and began to play with the buttons.

Madalaine sighed "I just want to get this over with"

i placed the headphones on my ears

"Babe you sounded great!" Travis placed a kiss on mads cheek and then turned to me, smirking.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the door. "Wait Vanessa!"

I slowly spun around "what do you want Travis"

"Oh i don't want anything, just wanted to show you something"

i arched my brow confused on what he meant by that. But in a swift movement he turned madalaine around and began to make out with her. I rolled my eyes and walked out the studio fuming.

He didn't have to do that. It made me so mad and frustrated and sad and.

no, you shouldn't be any of those about him kissing her. their dating, they love each other, what do you expect Vanessa?

i know i shouldn't but it just gets me heated. But honestly, i don't know why it gets me heated.

fuck this shit. I need to sleep

so that's what i did, i slept.
[madalaine's pov]
as soon as Travis stopped kissing me i slapped him.

He put his hand to his face.
"Babe what the fuck!"

"What do you mean what the fuck?! What the fuck was that!"

"What was me kissing you?"

I rolled my eyes "no, not that captain"

"is it a problem that i kiss you now?"

"No it's not, but it is at this moment because of your reason of doing it. Stop with this jealous of Vanessa shit travy. I'm so freaking tired of it. It's messing with me and Vanessa's friendship and-"

"what about me mads, have you even stopped and thought about how i feel?"

I stopped, emotions changing from frustrated and mad to thoughtless and sad.

"No i didn't travy" i murmured

"well babe let me tell you how I'm feeling" he sat down beside me and looked me in the eye

"I feel threatened by Vanessa. I know it's just a show babe but seeing you kiss anyone but me hurts like a turd on a stick"

i laughed dryly at his vine reference.

"And i see how she looks at you mads"

i scrunched up my face. I've never noticed Vanessa looking at me in any other way than she normally does. "Like how Travis?"

He took a deep breath "like she's in love with you madalaine. And yeah, it gets to me. I should be the only one looking at you like that"

i shook my head "she doesn't look at me like that"

"she does mads, but maybe you've became numb to it" i looked down at my hands

"Maybe" i said so quietly that Travis couldn't hear it.

"Now that you know how i feel-" he jumped up from the seat"-i say we go home and have some fun" He wiggled his eyebrows.

I got up with him "Fun like what?" I smirked.

He came closer and grabbed my waist "you know what fun I'm talking about" he whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Then let's head home" i whispered.

He kissed me on the cheek, then interlocked our fingers as we walked out the studio.

A/N: haha, i think Madalaine is on Travis' side now. Oops;) wonder how the choni scene is gonna go.

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