{chapter 14}

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[madelaine's pov]

"come on babe, i had to spend a whole night without you!"

i rolled my eyes "Travis if i need sometime to be by myself you should respect that!"

"i bet if i were vanessa you would say different" Travis mumbled, frustratingly tapping his foot on the floor

"not this shit again Travis! just let me be alone ok? please"

"fine! have your stupid alone time, I'll be back tomorrow morning to see you"

"sure, bye Travis"

he waved his hand as he opened the door, then closing it with a slam

i flopped down on my couch, confused on what to do now that i was alone

"take some time to think"

so that's what i began to do, i just thought. i actually thought so hard that i didn't even realize the miss call from vanessa.

she left a voicemail

"hey mads, i know we left on a bad note, i just wanted to call and say im sorry for getting upset. im not going to take back anything i said because i said what i felt, and i meant it. im taking some much needed time for myself, i already told Roberto i wanted to use my vacation days and he's rescheduling our next scene for when i get back. i hope by the time i get back i have everything sorted out. i also hope that you can use this time to sort things out for yourself as well. then when i get back we can talk, if you want. see you later mads. bye-"

there was a long pause, i thought the message was over but it wasn't

"-oh and one more thing, don't come find me or call me back after you hear this message. please. now actually, goodbye"

then it ended

and now my thoughts were consumed by so many questions

where was she? who is she with? how long will she be gone?

i wanted to call her back and ask her, but i also have to respect that she asked me not to.

so i called Charles instead

"hi Charles"

"hey madelaine, I'm glad you called me, i was on the verge of calling you"

"why is that"

"i wanted to ask if you knew where vanessa was, she only told me she was going to be gone for a couple days. But she didn't say with who or where. I was hoping you would know"

"i actually called you for the same reason"

"I'm worried for her safety. It's driving me crazy that she just left giving me no information on anything. And if I'm being honest, I'm not surprised"

"What do you mean?"

"For a while it's felt like she's been drifting away. we talk less, kiss less, and we haven't had se-"

i interrupted him "i get it, i get it"

i could hear him take a deep breath "is there someone else?"


"Has she said anything about anyone else?"

"Not that she has told me" i lied

she said something about me

"Has she shown attractions to anyone else?"

"No" i lied, again

she showed attractions towards me, no one kisses someone they aren't attracted to like that

"I'm going crazy over here madelaine. you gotta help me find her"

"She told me that-"

"I don't care what she said, i need to know that she's alright, that we're alright"

i sighed "ok, I'll help you"

"thank you mads. call me when you have some new information"

"will do. bye"


I ended the call and set my phone down on the counter

vanessa, wherever you are, I'm coming for you


we hit 10 freaking k and I'm screaming with excitement


can we talk about those choni scenes we were robbed of???


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