{chapter 06}

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[madalaine's pov]

7 missed calls from Vanessa. shit. i got so caught up with me and Travis' "fun" that i forgot that i still have that scene with Vanessa later. fuck.

I slowly crept out of bed and began to get dressed, hoping not to wake up Travis.

"Babe" i froze "Babe where are you going?" Travis yawned

"i have to shoot a scene that i completely forgot about because-" he smirked

"because of our fun"

"Yes because of our fun" I giggled.

He sat up in bed "Well mads i wanted to let you know that I'm 100% ok with you and Vanessa being on screen girlfriends"

i piped up "really??"

"Yeah babe. after our fun, i realized that there's no need to be worried, i love you, you love me. And neither you or Vanessa are gay in real life. So why am i stressing i asked myself. And now I'm not"

i smiled "I'm glad travy, cause it was really bothering me"

"well I'm done, no need to be bothered. Plus Charles has a crush on her, so I'm even more care free!"


"Yeah i know right, before i went to the studio with you me and him were talking. He wants to ask her out and everything!"

i don't know why but i was upset about this. But i hid my disturbance and put on a smile "when is he going to do it?"

"Today I'm pretty sure"

"Oh, oh okay. I'll make sure i keep quiet"

he laughed "make sure you do bombshell" he winked and continued to laugh.

"Well bye babe"

he turned his pointer finger into a hook and moved it back and forth "come give travy a kiss before you go"

i walked over to Travis and gave him a kiss. Reluctantly i let go

"Now i have to go, I'm already late"
"Where have you been!" was the first thing Vanessa said to me when i got to set

"Oh yeah I'm doing great, thanks for asking"

she rolled her eyes "mads your super late, now we have to wait until after Kj's and Lili's scene to shoot ours"

"Sorry nessa"

she frowned "its alright. Gives us more time to talk about TTI"

i quirked my eyebrow "TTI?"

"The Travis Issue, duh" she said like it was obvious

"you would never come up with an acronym for it"

"I would mads, i would"

"Well TTI is over"

she looked at me shocked, "what?"

"Its over" i repeated

"but just yesterday you were-"

"yeah yeah i know but, stuff happened and I've had a change of heart"

"Madalaine you didn't" she sounded mad.

"I did Vanessa, and then He said he was sorry for messing with our friendship! He even said that he doesn't care that we're girlfriends on screen!"

"Pssh" she sounded "total bullshit"

"it's not nessa, he was genuine about it"

"sure he is."

"Look Vanessa we both just have to-"

i was interrupted by one of the crew members calling us to our set area. Vanessa left out the trailer heated.
"Now lady's, your singing to each other about how much you love one another. Vanessa, Cheryl is sad and is feeling insecure about herself and it's up to you to change that through-" he did a little jazz hands "-song!, and you madalaine, are feeling down about yourself. But you just can't help but feel better when you hear your girlfriend singing to you. lady's i want passion, i want emotion, i want love" he said dragging the e out.

He walked back from behind the camera and one of the crew members came out with the cut scene board.

"You shine, Cheryl and Toni scene. take 1, action"
after 7 takes, we finally finished the scene. Roberto pulled me aside after we finished.

"Madalaine, what is going on between you and Vanessa? It usually takes you 1 take to shoot your scenes, 2 at the most. But it took you guys 7! What is the foolery that is making this happen?"

"Sorry Roberto, stuff has been, messy between me and Vanessa lately."

"Well you better find a janitor because we can't be having this issue Madalaine. Your characters are in love."

"We'll talk about it Roberto i promise"

He smiled "thank you" then walked over to the crew.

I heard lots of clapping and whooping as i grew closer to the cafeteria. "Congrats man" said a voice. I think it was KJ. I walked in and immediately Lili and Camila ran over to me.

"Did you hear what happened to Vanessa?" They both said in unison

"No, is she alright?"

"Yes she's fine. Her and Charles are together now!" Camila turned around and pointed to wear Vanessa and Charles were sitting. Both laughing

"I'm so glad she found someone" Lili smiled, then turned to me. "Aren't you?"

I plastered a fake smile on my face "so glad"

A/N: i posted another chapter cause i have nothing else to do. But when i tell you that I'm planting some seeds for a great, big, juicy drama plant!! Get prepared😈 hoped you guys enjoyed!

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