{chapter 19}

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[vanessa's pov]

the party was just as i expected it to be. boys and girls dancing on the floor, and each other. people getting very drunk but in a "i'm at a higher up party but it's still a party" way.

micheal and i walked over to the bar, i sat down as he began to order our drinks

"hey baby, is that man over there yours?"

i turned around and saw a man leaning against the chair beside me, looking very intently at my cleavage. damn this v cut dress

micheal must've heard because he quickly turned around, becoming extremely protective.

"yeah, i am hers. so go" he sneered

the guy looked from me to micheal, then back to me

"come on baby, you can do way better than that. let me show you a fun time"

micheal stood up in frustration and got right up into the man's face "i said to go" he whispered angrily

the man looked into micheal eyes with anger. i was beginning to get worried for micheal when out of the corner of my eye i spotted red hair and pale skin.

how the fuck?-

"micheal we have to go"

"you heard that micheal, your baby needs to go"

mike shoved the guy "quit it"

he shoved him back and now they were glaring at each other

"you don't want to go there dude" he sneered

i looked away from the argument that was happening to see travis (ew) and madelaine nearing the bar.

"micheal" i grabbed his arm "we need to go, like now"

"fine," he said, shrugging my hand off his arm

micheal glared at him one last time and then followed me towards the door

"why are we leaving? if it's cause of the guy i'm telling you i could've handled it, i still can if you-"

"no no no, it's not him. it's her" i looked up to point to 'her' even though i know micheal knew who i was talking about. but when i did her eyes met mine, and she smiled. and that's when i realized i really had to go.

i could see madelaine lean over and tell travis something then she got up from the bar stool and started to head over to me

"let's go" 

micheal grabbed my hand and we walked out the door, heading out into the cold new york night.


i froze, micheal looked at me in worry

"is there anything you want me to do"

the voice i know so well called my name again

"no, maybe i should talk to her"

"but the whole point of this trip was-"

" i know, but i can't run away from my problems forever"

he let out a deep breath 

"okay. call me if you need anything"

" i will" 

i gave him a peck on the cheek as he looked at me one last time, then continued to walk away. i turned around and saw madelaine standing by the door of the party

"hey" i said, walking up to her

she smiled "hi"

"want to go somewhere and talk?"



we walked to central park and sat down on a bench. me on one side, madelaine on the other. can you say awkward

"so" i say, tapping my hands on my thighs

 "i'll start," madelaine says turning towards me

"i'm sorry. when we kissed i panicked, i thought of all the things that could go wrong. travis, our fans, everything. i instantly shut down any feelings i had for you or the kiss. i didn't want to handle it, but once you left i understood everything" she stopped talking and looked up into the sky

"i have feelings for you nes. feelings that i don't know what to do with, but they're there"

i looked away from the scenery of the park and look at her, our eyes met, again.

she smiled softly at me and damn will that smile kill me one day.

"so, it's my turn now i-"

"i don't want you saying anything yet," she stood up from the bench, i stood up with her.

"- i want you to have your time, that's the reason you came here anyways. and then after our scene on sunday we can have tea at my place, like we were going to before"

"i would enjoy that"

"me too"

we both just stood there, enjoying the peace that was between us. and that's when i took rhe opertunity that was right infront of me. 

i leaned in just a little, our lips now so close i could feel her breath on my face. then she closed the gap. our lips meeting together and god do i wish i could kiss these lips forever

"see you soon" she said when we parted and began to walk away.

a/n: i feel bad:(

but choni is getting better and that's makes me happy. we getting that good content now!

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