{chapter 21}

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[vanessa's pov]

after madelaine left i stayed standing, still in shock of what just happened. we kissed. again. and this time we were sober. there were no drinks flowing through our veins to put the idea of kissing again into our heads, it was us who decided to. and i still couldn't wrap my head around that.

i've kissed my best friend twice

i decided i should save all my thoughts for later so i could talk to micheal about them. he's here to help me anyway. 
and speaking of micheal, he's calling right now.

"hey, everything okay? it's been 30 minutes" 

i sat back down on the bench "yeah it's all good. we uh kissed, again"

"who initiated it?"

"both of us i think? but mostly her i guess. i leaned in and she finished it"

"is she still there?"

"no she left. can you come pick me up? i'm in central park"

"yeah i can i'll be there in 15"

i looked up to see a figure walking twoards me. i squinted my eyes to see if coud recongise the person who was nearing me. the body shape looked familar.


"huh?" i asked, i forgot i was on the phone

"i said i'll be there in 15"

that's when i realized who it was.

"charles" i said into the phone


"sorry i have to go see you later"


i hung up the phone and stood up. meeting charles half way

"baby!" charles smiled and ran up to me, arms wide. clearly wanting a hug

i stood stiff as he wrapped his arms around me, how did he get here?

letting go of his grip, he moved his hands to my waist. still holding me close

"i've been worried sick about you babe"

"how did you find me?"

he laughed "is that really all you have to say? come on, this is supposed to be a romantic scene"

i looked sternly into his eyes, i was serious about this.

"okay okay. a fan posted pictures of you walking around in new york. so i got tickets to come see you-"

he grabbed my hands, and kissed them gently

"- i feel empty without you ness, your the best thing that's happened to 

i know that i should be trying to sepreate my self from charles. begin my break up monologue and all that. because i do like madelaine, like a lot a lot. but when he looks at me like that, god. it's just all so-

"you glad to see me babe?" he lifted my chin up so that i was staring into his eyes

i nodded "i am, baby"

he smiled and then leaned into kiss me. and i couldn't help but compare the kiss to madelaine's. her lips were just so soft and velvety. charles's just seem so rough, and strange compared to hers. kinda makes me crave her lips again even more.

he stopped kissing me and stared at me "you didn't kiss me back"


"you didn't kiss me back, are you okay?"

i didn't even realize i wasn't kissing him back


a loud honk came from across the park, then i see a tall blonde man wave his hands wildly in the air to get someones attention. assuming it was micheal (it was him) i said goodbye to charles and ran off. 

"wait babe, where are you going?"

"i have a thing tonight"

"at 11 pm?" he yelled 

i didn't even respond, i just kept running until i reached mike.

"we have so much to talk about when we get home"


micheal threw a pice of popcorn into his mouth, "so what now"

i sighed "i don't know. charles is a great guy don't get me wrong, but after kissing madelaine. i don't feel the same about him"

"so, you will admit to the feelings you have for her"

i nodded "i, vanessa morgan, have feelings for madelaine"

micheal stood up, clapsing his hands together "step 1 accomplished. i say you guys go out to dinner, or maybe just take a walk around the city, to finish discussing what's going to happen next"

"yeah that's a good idea"

i began to tap my phone, mentally trying to decide if i should text her or not.

micheal looked at me grinning "yes, you should text her"

"how did you-"

"i know you pretty well vanessa" he laughed walking to the opening of the door to my room, leaning against it "im gonna go to my room, tell me if anything happens"

"night mike"

he pushed himself off the door and smiled "night" he said walking away

after he left, closing the door, i quickly unlocked my phone and texted madelaine 

vanessa: hey, i'm ready

she replied in less than 2 minutes 

madelaine: i'm suprised you're ready


vanessa: i've been ready since you've confessed 

madelaine: it just kinda hurts that you're  all cuddled up with him after we kissed that's all. i can't even get myself to hug travis.

what is she talking about...

vanessa: what? are you talking about micheal?

madelaine: you know who i'm talking about

vanessa: i really don't mads, i just wanted to ask you to go out with me tomorrow so we can talk

madelaine: you seriously don't know who i'm talking about

vanessa: dead serious 

madelaine: yes, we can hang out tomorrow to talk

vanessa: okay but who were you talking about?
read 12:01 am

what the fuck is going on

a/n: i hope you guys liked this chapter, comment what you thinkkkk

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