{chapter 07}

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[vanessa's pov]

yes, I'll admit, i was surprised when Charles asked me out. I mean we were friends, and we talked and hung out whenever i wasn't with madalaine (which, is hardly ever) but i would have never guessed that he liked me. So when he asked me to be his girlfriend i didn't know what to say. He just kept looking at me until i responded. But eventually, as you all know, i said yes. I deserve to have something that i can pour all my love into to. And ever since that day, me and Charles haven't been apart.

[madalaine's pov]

It's been a week since I've last talked or even hung out with Vanessa. Cheryl and Toni don't have any scenes together in the next episode so i don't get to talk to her on set. She's been super busy with Charles so i haven't been able to hang out with her outside of the show. It feels like she's forgotten all about me, about us. And I miss her. I miss my bestfriend
I was bored. Travis had to go to New York for a concert, so I've been home alone. I want to hang out with Vanessa, but a little birdie (Camila) told me that her and Charles are going on a date tonight. Am i hurt that Vanessa hasn't told me about her date? Yes. Am i hurt that she didn't even have the decency to tell me herself that her and Charles are together? Yes.
But it's ok, I'm fine.

Vanessa: Hey, what are you doing today?

shocked, that's what i was. i was shocked. She was texting me. She was texting me

Madalaine: Nothing, travis left for New York and I've been home alone ever since.

Vanessa: would you like to hang out today?

Madalaine: don't you have a date with Charles

Vanessa: yes, but i miss my bestfriend. Come over to my place yeah?

Madalaine: yeah, sounds great

Vanessa: great, see you soon

I smiled into my phone. She misses me to

[vanessa's pov]

Charles frowned his lips "but babyy, i was really excited for our date night"

"And so was i Charles, but i haven't seen madalaine in ages it feels like. Please just let me hang out with her today. Please babe"

Charles didn't say anything, and instead just looked into my eyes. He took a deep breath "Sure Babe, yeah. Go ahead. I'm sorry I've kept you from her. I should talk to kj, maybe we could go out and get a beer"

I squealed and gave him a huge hug
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He laughed "Anything for you babe, anything"

"I'm gonna go text her" i let go of Charles grasp and ran to get my phone

i smiled as i looked at my best friend in front of me "Hey mads, come in" i gestured to inside the house

she smiled back and walked in and sat on the couch

"It's been a while"

"It has"

"Sorry i haven't texted you or hung out with you. I've been so busy hanging out with-"

"Hanging out with Charles, yeah i know. And it's ok. When me and Travis first got together i separated myself from my friends"

i smiled, "do you want to have some tea and watch a movie?"

"Yeah, i would love that"
[madalaine's pov]

"you cant sit with us!"

It felt great being back with my bestfriend, watching movies and drinking tea just like always.

Vanessa paused the movie "sweetie, the movie is on the screen, not my face"

We both giggled

"I'm just happy to be back with you"

She looked up at the ceiling "you say that like i was never going to talk to you again"

"It felt like you weren't"

the brunet placed her hands on top of mine "I'm always going to be your bestfriend, wether I'm gone for an hour or gone for a month. I'll always be here."

I looked down at her hands and smiled

"I'll always be here too"

A/N: sorry for the sorta short chapter and taking a while to update:(. For the next few chapters though they'll have to be fillers so i can build up into the drama and stuff. But you'll enjoy them i promiseee. Should i do some smut between Vanessa and Charles?

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