Your part of bts I shouted a hand covered my mouth shhh i know that sweetie
His black hair so soft parted in a way it would make your heart melt ? Wait your not? Was living with them a good idea did I mess up? What are they?
I got up from my seat and I stretched like I had been confined in a cage or something. While I was stretching I made a little squeak noise.( giggle) I look up to see Jin and hobi laughing at me. I looked down a bit embarrassed I started to laugh to. Gosh Jin said your so cute hahahah ahh thank you omg (blush) ahh call me oppa! Jin said in a soft tone. O~O~p~pa I stuttered. Yup he said like he had won a prize. Okay I said if that's what you want oppa ;) ( lol) Jin looked at his watch my goodness I gotta get to the store you two have fun referring to me and hobi. We waved Jin goodbye I turned to j~hope can I get refreshed then I'll be ready for the tour. Of course of course he said I ran back up the steps and down the hallway to my room I grabbed my black jeans ripped at the knee and my striped shirt and my black vans and ofc my blue jean jacket. ( you can pick between these three outfits)
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I threw everything on and fixed my hair put a little makeup and just kinda relaxed I was still a little scared with what happened, but it's okay I can do this I breathed out. I walked out my room and shut it behind me and walked back to Hobi who was still in the kitchen eating some bacon again lol. Wow! You look great Noona!!! Thanks Hobi I said waving off the fact I was blushing ahah so you ready angel. Yup as I made a poping noise with my mouth. ( pop) well lets start on the first floor we walked around he showed me the living room bathrooms and the different rooms like the spa, and the game room. I noticed a room that had a dark black handle and it was trimmed in red and gold. Ahhh Hobi what's that oh we don't go there it's the basement hahha he laughed awkwardly. Ooooh I said opening my mouth to make this sound. Well okay hahha let's continue next came the second floor and everything there including my room and the music room. Where Suga and Rm where. Well let's go say hi Hobi said. He knocked slightly yah! a voice was heard it sounded like rap mon. It's j~hope and 지아. Come in he said. Hobi turned the knob ,and we walked in slowly I felt a intense stare on me it's was Suga he kept licking his lips like before I'm scared what do I do? What's gonna happen?