Your part of bts I shouted a hand covered my mouth shhh i know that sweetie
His black hair so soft parted in a way it would make your heart melt ? Wait your not? Was living with them a good idea did I mess up? What are they?
After getting ready I headed down the stairs to the front door (bing bong) I heard my phone 📱 I opened my bag and looked at it Hobi~ hey I'm waiting just come across the street and into the woods to take to long 😉kisses princess Me~ awe okay Hobi on my way now see you in a few ;) I put my phone in my bag got te keys out and locked the door behind me. Okay let's go I lifted my head and walked towards the woods where another confession was waiting for me. I got across the street and stepped on the edge of the woods before entering I prayed nothing would happen and I continued down this little path I heard rustling and sort of heavy breathing I heard a dog growl? Huh ? What was that I kept thinking. Hobi I didn't tell but more of a whisper Hobi ! Where are you at this time you could hear the panic in my voice. A tear slid down my cheek and I was getting scared hey tia don't be scared a voice it was where was it coming from out of the corner of my eye I saw something black and brown with beautiful blue eyes
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Can you talk? Hobi? Yes tia it's me I'm a wolf 🐺 princess pls don't be scared of me. He walked to me I stepped back and my back hit up against a treen I slid down scared but curious he came closer and sat in front of me? Tia don't be scared pls I won't hurt you he laid his head on my leg. Tia I'm a wolf and I didn't want to tell you but this is me this is why I leave at night awe Hobi he got up and came closer and I petted his head your so soft Hobi thank you tia I hope we can be friends forever you make me feel so happy. I'll change into my human form give me a minute he changed I heard a bit of yelling and cracking and then he cam out back to his normal self beautiful reddish black hair and no shirt and a pair of green olive shorts. Oh my Hobi I started to blush a little what is it princess. Nothing hahahah well tia I'm also part vampire as well but I'm a hybrid my mother was a wolf and my father a vampire and now I'm there hybrid. Oh Hobi ! Your both that's cool but omg!!! He kept staring at my neck like kookie did omg not again. Tia I can smell you from a mile away you smell amazing he came closer I stood up about to run but he grabbed me omg Hobi! His lips hovered over my neck Hobi pls. I pleaded as much as I could but I felt the pleasure and pain he bit down I felt dizzy he stoped it's okay tia I'll take care of you my princess. I remember nothing at this point. I started to wake up it was 12:45 Hobi was next to me reading 📖 ahh your up princess ahh yeah wow my head is killing me. Oh sorry about that I took a little to much. Ahh it's fine all the memory's flashed back of what happened just like it did with kookie I fell to the ground holding my head screaming Hobi rushed to my side what's wrong? What's going on? Tia? Tia? Nothing just everything went black. Omg tia???? When I woke up I was in the bath I had silk robe on Hobi was sitting in the floor asleep. I rise up and grunted as my head was still slightly hurting Hobi Hobi ! I'm I'm up tia your okay omg. You had a high fever I'm okay Hobi. I told him to leave I would be fine it took forever for him to but he did eventually. Then I got up and noticed my phone was lit up. Unknown~ watch yourself or things will get bad your not who you think you and those idiot boys won't keep me away for to long rest easy~ps hahah you'll never get away from me. I didn't even attempt to reply I had a strange feeling I knew who it was but wasn't sure. When I did everything I had to do I noticed it was 1:45am and I needed some sleep Hobi was a hybrid and kookie was a vampire. Who was next to tell me the secret? Could I take it ??????? I felt exhausted but excited I heard the big front door creak open I jumped out of bed and I saw them come in kookie,tae,jimin,Jin,joonie and Suga you guys are home jun chuckled case I came flying down the steps I missed you guys so much I jumped straight into jimins arms and hugged him so tight. I later my head on him and I noticed them all looking and kookie making a face at me. I decide I had to hug him to. I jumped down and jimin face changed a lot when he noticed what I did I jumped in kookies arms kookie!!!!:) hey tia my cute mochi. Awe jimin said that's my name:)but she is a mochi. Jin said I wanna announce something Hobi ! He hollered Hobi finally got down there we have a month off Jin said and then he said it as excitement dripped from his words were going on vacation!!!!! What? Vacation? Where to Jin 오빠 ? Not telling hahah. Awe man we all said only Jin knew but where? Oh