Your part of bts I shouted a hand covered my mouth shhh i know that sweetie
His black hair so soft parted in a way it would make your heart melt ? Wait your not? Was living with them a good idea did I mess up? What are they?
Finally suga said they finally called us for this Damn plane! I looked over and started laughing at his impatient attitude lol. Well lets go Jin said we all grabbed the bags we were carrying and headed for the entrance. I had kookie in front of me and kimin behind me. We made it on the plane and the seating was Jin~rm, suga~jhope, tae by himself then I'm in between Jimin and kookie . Oh lord i thought i set my bag down on my lap. I was still a little tired and so was the rest of us. The 20 hour flight was gonna be so long omg 😲. Jin was listening to rm ramble and Suga was sleeping while Hobi was talking and tae was playing a game on his phone me I was reading and studying my Korean and listening to music and jimin was drawing and looking at me and kookie had his had on my thigh. MY THIGH omg jeon Jungkook!!!!!! Huh? He looked at me and smirked a little leans over and said don't worry babe I still want a taste (again) jimin looked over at me and said I can't wait to spend time with you this vacation;) lord this was gonna be a long plane ride :) I put my things in my bag and started listening to bts~fake love
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I drifted off to sleep and I slept a good 3 hours and I had to pee really bad so I tried to be quiet and get past kookie a little and I touched his leg and he jolted forward we were face to face oh so you want me huh baby!no you idiot I have to pee kookie oh he said. I squeezed past him and ran to pee nobody was in there thank god. When I finished I was washing my hands I felt a bit of a burning sensation on my side I lifted my shirt and I noticed I had the wolf paw imprint from j hope omg! I squeaked and I opened the door it was dark and I saw Hobi sitting there on his phone I taped him and the plane shifted just a little and I fell right on to Suga! Our lips met and they were soft he smelt nice ! Omg tia Hobi said. This wasn't good what gonna happen now on the plane omg Suga? Kiss?