Your part of bts I shouted a hand covered my mouth shhh i know that sweetie
His black hair so soft parted in a way it would make your heart melt ? Wait your not? Was living with them a good idea did I mess up? What are they?
Today my dream seemed so real I texted j~hope Me~ Hobi come over quick pls and be quiet the boys are still asleep Hobi~ girl it's 6:30am hang on I'll be right over tho Me~hurry !!!!!! I ran to the bathroom I had a burning sensation on my side omg ! It was a really bad burning yah!!!! Omg! Hobi threw the door open and ran to the bathroom 지아 what's wrong huh what's wrong he looked down omg it started out as just a red spot it started forming into a rose like Suga had said. Ahhhhhhhh I screamed at the top of my lungs yahhhhhh Hobi make it stop I slid down the wall on to the floor gripping my side. Yah! Kookie and jimin came running what's wrong Hobi is she okay Hobi told jimin to go see Jin just to get him out of there but Jungkook already knew why! Ahhhh Hobi pls it hurts so something 😭 baby there's nothing I can do it'll be over so Jungkook came closer and held me why Hobi held my hand soon it was over that rough pain it was that harsh before it was a beautiful imprint of a 🌹
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The 3 I had now was Jungkooks rabbit foot hobis wolf paw and now sugas rose ahhh I'm okay guys gosh that's never hurt so much Hobi bent down and kookie backed up a little it only happens when one takes to much blood that's when it hurts more it's more define as a imprint so it's more like a tattoo a more defined tattoo. I looked at Hobi and just nodded my head and said thank you. When I got up I headed towards my bed guys I'm gonna~~~~ everything went black( background noise 지아 baby~x4) I was in a bright light and I heard a voice tia be careful and make sure not to trust those you think care huh? Wdym? Tell me pls? Tia the one you trusted to stay with remember pls! My head started pounding I screamed I fell to my knees what's happening to me someone help me pls don't let me down tia the voice then faded. I slowly opened my eyes all the boys staring namjoon looked at me 지아are you okay yeah guys I guess I just don't feel the best I'm okay kookie handed me a water as if he could read my mind. Thanks kookie I smiled at him he had a worried look on him I'm okay guys really. Okay okay Jin looked at me let's get breakfast we need to talk tonight meet me on the boardwalk at 12:45 princess. I nodded yes 오빠 he smiled and winked come on guys let her get ready Hobi you stay with her. Okay 👌🏼 sir Hobi said while laughing hahah. I looked over at Hobi and I said can I talk to you about something. Yeah what is it are you okay? Yeah it's just I idk I keep having these dreams like a voice tells me to be cautious of people and I should remember my true self Hobi idk what it means he looked at me and said I'm not sure. I looked at him Hobi it said to watch out for the person I was gonna stay with and the only person that comes to my mind is Sunni! Omg he said that name I know that name but I can't I can't remover exactly. We'll talk about it later he said go get ready. We're going out today clubbing to. We kinda stayed in and Jin made breakfast we talked and went on the boardwalk and felt the breeze 9 rolled around ahhh time to get ready we were leaving at 9:45 to go to the club. I gotta wear something attractive I thought
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I picked the jet black dress with the roman heels. ( pick which one you like) Ahhhh I grabbed the dress and I hoped in the shower and then fixed my hair and makeup and then the dress I was all ready
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I walked out and I was supposed to meet the boys in the boardwalk jimin and kookie were with them so I grabbed my purse and my phone and walked out shutting the door behind me. I was walking down the board walk and I saw this
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The first thing I notice these boys could dress. They all had there backs to me tho guys are you ready to roll they turn around and everyone of them had wide eyes and mouths open. When I walked past them I brought my hand up and as I was walking I moved there Jaws up boys close your mouth you'll catch flies. I walked on until I hit the sand heading up towards the club kookie ran up yo next to me and held my head for me cause my heels would sink so much into the sand. He leaned a little close girl you look gorgeous tonight. Thanks kookie my little bunny 🐰. He looked at me and licked his lips I can't wait to taste you again it's my dream makes me crave the attention you give me when I bite down. Yah jeon let's go have a good time I giggled. Would this club idea be a good idea or will it be a epic fail? And how come jimin isn't speaking much?