hiking pt. 3 are they murderous?

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the thought kept coming back did they kill them? i kept going up the steep hill and i noticed it was getting dark and a little cold. i didn't realize it would get so cold ugh i sighed. i was already starting to miss them but i was scared i felt they were murderous or close to it. i noticed that none of them have been drinking a lot i know im not helping me walking a round here like a giant candy store  hell i didn't know i just knew right now i wanted to get away from everything!

~jimin & jungkook's pov~ 

where the hell is she jimin whined at me? i don't know hyung im getting worried i'am to jeon and it's getting cold out and there might be dangerous wildlife.  i don't know what it is but when we aren't with her i feel a pang in my heart i kept thinking about this. jimin and jungkook thought about the same thing and still couldn't figure it out~ jimin jungkook said grabbing his arm look! what is it jeon jimin spat. it's footprints going up this hill and i think they belong to minhae! i was happy i was gonna find her and hold her close wait no quit thinking like that!!! i mentally wanted to slap myself.

i kept walking i started to feel sick like nauseated and just ugh. i looked down from where i was did i really walk up that? god how am i going to get down ugh. damn it  지아  look what you got yourself into i mentally wanted to kick myself in the ass for the bullshit i caused on myself. i then thought about them i know better than to think they would kill anyone right? i had a gut feeling they would find me soon but i was scared but never had a bad feeling they would kill me i mean the little mochi and the bunny! i kept smiling thinking about jungkook's  cute bunny teeth and jimin's cute eye-smile. ahhh guys where are you i sighed looking up at the stars i saw a cave like thing and i sat on the edge and thought what more could i do i got myself stuck here and i felt like the damsel in distress. damn it i looked up mom dad i know were far away and i know you never cared to much i guess but i love you guys even my step dad. i wish mom you would be even happier and dad i hope for the best even though you left me and mom but i miss you a tear slid down my face thinking about how much my life changed from being a lowly broke sad depressed girl to now living with a kpop group and having them be inhuman. what a change i know. now my best friend well ex~ best friend is trying to kill me and i have all these imprint tattoos and i can't remember much of my past or not really anything that had to do with school at a younger age or friends as far as i know i never had any. i started crying again why cry when your gonna die eventually right? i laid back and just looked up at the stars.

it was beautiful you could see the lights down below gorgeous right? this felt so relaxing i sat up and grabbed my phone and snapped a picture

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it was beautiful you could see the lights down below gorgeous right? this felt so relaxing i sat up and grabbed my phone and snapped a picture. i heard foot steps behind me i scooted over to the dark part where no one could see me. she has to be somewhere jimin i growled. yeah well you see she isn't wait i smell her jimin. where over here he came to where i was and held his hand down  i know 지아  your here princess. please come out for your little bunny? i can't believe i said that i mentally wanted to die now(jungkook) your not go~nnna hurtt me right? stuttered out. minhae of course not i don't kill people if that's what your hinting at! he sounded a little disappointed and a little hint of anger. the fiery words he was saying next shocked me. 

so what you think im a killer now wow! you disgust me thinking just cause im different i kill people. jungkook grabbed me by the arm and growled at me you want me to kill someone how bout you. your such a brat even at a young age you haven't c hanged he flung me to the wall of the cave. my back hit so hard it felt like i broke two  ribs. i winced grabbing my side. jimin stood shocked and then smacked jungkook he looked over at me he changed back to his normal self and he had a sad look. 지아   im so sorry he said walking closer. i started crying don't come near me you abusive jerk i shouted. i got up sliding my back against the wall  heaving out a sigh as i felt dizzy. god jungkook what did you do why do you have to be such a dick to her damn it! jimin was yelling at jungkook tears streamed his face as he realized something. i was falling but i had moved to far off the side and fell off the mountain and i was heading straight for the ocean which was ragging on the rocks. my last words i called for him the one who hurt me but made me happy. JEON JUNGKOOK!!..........................................................

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