Meeting Suga and RM he scares me!

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Even though I was scared of suga's glaring and licking his lips. I decided to ignore it. I looked over at Rm who had a smile and said I hope you slept well you look beautiful. Ahhh omg 감사합니다 ( thank you) I said my face started to heat up. Hobi patted my back and laughed a little noticing my face was red as a tomato(lol). So what are you two up to Suga piped in? Um just touring the house j~hope piped in before I could say a word. Yup I said in response with Hobi's response. Oh cool Suga said acting cold again. Damn does he ever smile I said to myself? Prob not I thought hahah! I looked over at RM and said so what are you up to? Oh me and Suga are working on the new song for our album you wanna see what we've came up with so far. Oh my god yes! I shouted. Someone seems excited Hobi next to me laughing. Wow! After spending ten minutes reading some notes and the lyrics they've come up with it's beautiful rap mon. ( your my star your my sunshine I want you to be mine stay with me through the galaxy baby hold me close lets go see the moon let's shine together let's hope for the best through all the pain and fake love we've had baby your my shooting star)( came up with something song called shooting star) I then looked at Suga what about your rap if you have one Suga smirked a bit come over here. I walked over and sat down next to him and looked at his notes and his rap( baby I can't stop thinking how my universe stops when your not here my heart breaks damn I love you your my shouting star you show me things I can't imagine don't lie show me the beautiful galaxy we're gonna come upon and the oceans were gonna pass yah baby I love my shooting star and that's you) ( sugas part sorry if it's bad lol) wow guys it sounds amazing. Not test RM said I gotta get the rest of the guys as well to but it's a start haha. It's beautiful guys. Hobi said let's finish the tour okay I said in excitement! I think Suga just smiled  awe how cute. Well I think I'll get used to there weirdness why I'm here right?

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