Your part of bts I shouted a hand covered my mouth shhh i know that sweetie
His black hair so soft parted in a way it would make your heart melt ? Wait your not? Was living with them a good idea did I mess up? What are they?
After jimin had given me that I'm gonna eat you in one bite look I looked at joon who still had his hand gripped tightly around my wrist I winced and joon turned to look at me oh I'm sorry honey he said we where half way to the front door when I heard a whistle. I turn and see Jin the sweet sweet chef and momma(lol) looking at me with hungry lustful eyes looking good baby girl. Oh I'm thank you ji~ nope you know what to call me he said. Oppa thank you 😊. Joon looked back and then drug me out the front door and we headed for the garage. Okay sweetheart which car?
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Ooo the Lexus lc I said okay my favorite one joon said. My to i piped in it was a beautiful car omg it was amazing he walked to it and opened my door and then got in cranked it up beautiful omg it was just amazing. We out it in reverse and backed out of the driveway and headed to the store we talked for about 15 minutes and then eventually he turned on the radio and fake love came on omg 🙈yes I yelled he looked at me like what? I turned a little joon it's my favorite song you guys did. Really? I started dancing and waving my hands around I heard a giggle joon are you laughing maybe just a little he said. We're here! Joon yelled yay I yelled back omg !!!!! Wow it's such a big store. Well duh it's a music store he said! He pulled into the parking lot and parked a little close to the walkway to the store but he parked in the shaded dark area. Mmm doesn't he like the Sun I thought? You ready 지아 yeah joon. We exited the car and headed towards the entrance the sliding doors creaked a little while opening and i shutter a little at the sound. Come he said excitedly grabbing my hand and pulling me in. As we push past some people leaving I hear a lady say look how cute they are such a sweet couple. I blushed at the sound of that I kept thinking about it till we reached our destination the paper section. Okay I need some of this and this I heard joon say then he started walking to the next isle oh wait up I shouted I heard a laugh escape his lips. Yah don't laugh at me joon I slightly punched his arm. Okay okay he's said he grabbed some pens and then we headed to the front. A older lady I would say maybe in he sixties was working the register and she smiled showing her lovely white teeth. She looked at us both and there again another person said we were a cute couple. My goodness dear your boyfriend sure is handsome no he' not my~ oh thank ma'am that's so kind of you isn't that right babe. I blushed a little sure thing honey we paid for everything and the car ride back was silent we pulled up and I rushed inside and up to my room avoiding eye contact with everyone what's going on omg? Why did he have to do that to me omg?!!!! I decided that no matter what I had to relax more and not take things so seriously but these guys were different something was very wrong with them and kookies note what I am I going to do? Should I meet him? ??????..........