No date just the ending? depression!?

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As I was walking this road I heard a sound it was a large truck coming nothing could change my mind and it would all end right? As the truck approached the eighteen wheeler sounded like a train moving its way down it was loud I could hear nothing I stepped out  in the road and i waited for the end my heartbeat fastened tight against my chest and the sound ringing in my ears was this really how it was supposed to be was I supposed to end like this.  "oh my god 지아 get out of the way for gods sake." my mind took over i closed my eyes and waited for the truck to end it all. 

"dear god what in the hell is wrong with you hello you scared the living hell out of me." I was in the arms of someone the voice sounded sweet and sad all at the same time. Who pulled me away I looked up to be met with a sad bunny I was standing close to him the warmth I felt was barely there I reached my hand to touch his face and I collapsed nothing I felt numb cold I felt nothing, not even a voice could be heard. 

"Oh god wake up please I never meant anything I said I wish you would love me I love you my heart is beating for you please don't leave me." 

(Narrators pov) 

the sadness he had in his voice was the most depressing thing you could ever hear or see the reason he was angry is she had mentioned Jimin he knew that he may not have a chance to win the girl he loves from the other hyung. Jeon knew Jimin meant as much as he did to her was it his destiny to be with her or was it Jimins this is why both of them never fought in front of her they got along they genuinely loved her and the sad thing was the girl wasn't even sure about her own life that she wanted to kill herself she blamed herself for everything . Even though Jeon was jealous he would try and give this girl the world and he wouldn't stop till he caught the moon for her is this her end or is this her true beginning. He was the bad guy and he knew it (Billie eillish~ bad guy)  

I woke up feeling a bit warm and squished I look to my right I see jungkook his back facing me and I look to my left I see jimin. why am I here wasn't I just in the road I gasped and I covered my mouth I tried to kill myself. how why and I thought he didn't care about me.  Why was jungkook like this was it anger of the jimin situation or was there more to it. Was I just imagining all this insanity of a false reality between these two or was my feelings stronger for these two

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