Your part of bts I shouted a hand covered my mouth shhh i know that sweetie
His black hair so soft parted in a way it would make your heart melt ? Wait your not? Was living with them a good idea did I mess up? What are they?
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after waking up i found hobi by my side as always he was the one i had gotten close to i mean he has a heart made of pure love at least he does for me and the other members. are you okay your sweating a lot? oh i um im fine hobi don't worry about me so much im okay. how can i not sweetie something seems up is everything okay. i put on a fake smile of course hobi i couldn't let him know about this right now. after my bath i put on a lose sweater and a pair of leggings and some little bunny socks. i sat on the bed thinking about everything when the door swung open and i hear all six loud goofballs walk in wow don't you look pretty do you feel better jimin and kookie asked?yes guys im fine im feeling much better, ahh we wanted to know can we spend the day with you these two both blurted out. the guys jaw dropped they looked at kookie and jimin like they could kill them. i replied with a yes and these too jumped for joy. yes lets get ready then. the other guys nodded to me and left back to there room it felt so empty without them but i still have kookie and jiminie. they said they were ready and i was already i grabbed my bag and the key and we walked out to explore and i had these two goofy goofballs. Well lets have a good i kept thinking about everything but i knew for now i needed to relax and have fun. jimin then said wait you didn't have breakfast yet lets go grab something first then start the day. i just nodded at him. honestly it wasn't time for breakfast it had passed the boys ate about 9 and it was about 11:00 am so more like lunch i blurted out. jimin and kookie started chuckling at my sudden enthusiastic answer no need to laugh guys jeez. i mean it was one of those moments you yell when you have your earphones in(lol) (btw i do it all the time) anyway lets go get your lunch then kookie said looking at me smiling holding back his chuckles. we went out of the hotel and little ways down to a restaurant called Le Corail (btw its a real restaurant) i just ordered a salad to go so i didn't wanna stay to long since it was getting later and i wanted to party it up with these two. I ate a little on the way while walking and threw it in the trash wasn't really hungry. ahhhh guys so whats the plan for today? well i think it would be cool if we went hiking on the mountain or maybe the lagoon or the beach. whoa whoa guys slow down one thing at a time now the options are hiking, lagoon, or beach right? they nodded okay. well see then guys.