How to feel and kookie??????

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My eyes started to open slowly i could feel breath on my face ugh Kookie move over some jeez i said groaning out. Always hogging the damn bed i said before raising up some my body was in some pain.  i moved over some closer to the middle jimin was snoring and kookie was like a bunny when he was asleep his little nose twitched and he looked so cute. awe i moved his hair some he was a sweet handsome boy he was always there for me when i was little now he's here for me now.

About 15 minutes passed and kookie was finally waking up jeez someone likes to sleep huh i said pushing him off the bed.  He looked up and me and groaned a bit your so gonna pay for that you mean girl lol. Yeah right i said jumping off the bed and running for the door heading to Jin's room. Jin Jin open the door kookies trying to kill me i said fake crying, and that did it the door flung open and jin pulled me in. Whats wrong is he trying to take you know what, i made a face and the  realized he was talking about blood. i shook my head no no no way he didn't. 

See what happened was i pushed him off the bed lol i started laughing holding my stomach and so did Jin. That's when i heard banging on the door."bang bang bang hey i know your in there sweetie you better open the door" i smiled and hid under the table, jin swung the door open excuse me but i would like to sleep you ass. kookie pushed past him.

I could tell he was trying to smell me i grabbed jin's sweater that was on the floor and held it over me. I started to giggle but threw  my hand over my mouth. "sorry love but i can smell you so bad so no point in hiding under that table i saw his feet oh shit im screwed now......

That's when i stood up and looked at him like don't get me, but he grabbed me up and threw me over his shoulder i gasped at the sudden touch. Damn kookie im not a pillow you can just grab up...!!!!!!!!  He smiled oh well baby it is what it is you started it. Like hell i did Jeon  Jungkook hell  i didn't do anything except move you over i started to giggle knowing he fell flat on his ass earlier. 

Well you punishment is you have to spend the whole day with me alone no phones and wherever i want to go! Wait what! no phones, and  alone with you oh my god ugh fine i said as he put me down damn boy. 

Now i had to spend a whole day with him my heart raced every time he came close how am i going to do this? i mean my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest when he picked me up, and i can't imagine being alone with him. I had enough emotions swirling in my head about jimin and kookie, i was so attracted to both i couldn't dare to pull away or tell them no, plus i wanted to be around them all the time but it made me nervous. I really don't know how to feel i really am in love with both boys.Who happen to be vampires and one from my past was jimin apart of my past i need to figure that out to. 

Now i have to spend the whole day with kookie who makes me nervous and that i believe that im in love with. Was i really in love with both of them?

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