Secret Agent Ned Leeds

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I really want to apologize on behalf of every one of Tom's "fans" who where terrible at ACE Comic Con. I personally wasn't there, (sadly) but am disappointed with the people who call themselves Hollanders and treated people like that.

Rant aside, I want to thank my friend beantae for editing this for me!

It's so flufffy I'm gonna die

Sometimes, school was too much. Peter knew that, and understood Y/n's pain. But, she could be a little dramatic. Any way she acted though, Ned and Peter accepted her. Even though only Ned knew that Peter had a giant crush on Y/n. He liked to think he was good at hiding it, but Ned had figured it out on his own.
"Hellooo? Anyone there?" Y/n dragged out.
"Hey," Peter replied, grinning.
"What's up smile-y?" Y/n asked, peering up at him.
Even though she had a big personality, she wasn't the tallest person. Peter, who also wasn't tall, had to look down to see her.
"Nothing much, you?" Peter tried to act chill, putting his hand on the wall.
"You're insane," she groaned, slapping her palm to her forehead.
"Guilty as charged," Peter joked, as he put his hands up. Y/n giggled, and Peter just smiled. As soon as he thought he had held the eye contact too long, she looked away.
"She totally likes you!" Ned watched, ecstatic, as Peter closed his locker.
"Ned, this isn't a book, that doesn't happen," Peter breathed out, getting out a book from his locker as he sighed.
"What if it is? You are a hero!" Ned countered, using his hands for emphasis.
"Ned, shut up," he glared weakly, and shook his head.
She could never like him, at least not in the way he likes her. Peter knew that, and had given up hope long ago. Little did he know, Y/n did like him back, in the same way. But she thought, he could never like her.
"Hey, Y/n!" Ned shouted, waving hysterically as the two boys approached.
"Hey, guys," she greeted, fiddling with the strap of her backpack, her hands holding a few books with a firm grip.
"Uh, hey, Y/n," Peter nervously attempted at conversation, leaning up against the lockers. She scoffed at the appearance of Peter trying to act cool.
"What are you two doing after school, want to grab a coffee or something?" She proposed, getting her things out of her locker.
"Sure!" Peter agreed, a little too quickly. "I mean, okay," he corrected himself, making Y/n laugh.
"Okay, weirdo," she rolled her eyes comically, beginning to walk, Peter and Ned trailing behind her.
"Where do you want to go?" She turned back to look at Peter and Ned.
"Actually, I can't come," Ned denied out of nowhere, texting Peter secretly, 'this is your chance!!'
"Okay..? Bye Ned," she confusedly responded, a blush rising to her cheeks. "Let's actually go over to a little ice cream shop, it's really hot outside," she thought aloud, only stumbling over a few words.
The two walked over to an ice cream place, ordering once they got reached the counter.
"I would like a Strawberry Milkshake. What about you, Peter?" She asked, motioning her head slightly to indicate for Peter to speak.
"Same as you."
"That'll be $8.00," the man behind the counter looked up at them, Peter rushing to pay, Y/n blushed, turning to find Peter and her a booth while he waited for the drinks.
When they arrived he took them back to the booth Y/n had found.
"Here you go, M'Lady," he bowed dramatically as Y/n laughed.
He sat down across from her, her face turning a light shade of pink when she noticed Peter watching her.
"It sucks Ned couldn't come," she sipped on her milkshake, attempting to break the silence. As if summoned, Peter's phone rang. He pulled it out to answer it, seeing out of the corner of his eye that Y/n got a text.
"Dude, I am asking her if she likes you, I'm texting her!" Ned revealed, his voice slightly raised in pitch as he spoke in an excited tone. Peter watched, slightly embarrassed considering he knew what was happening, as Y/n's face quickly flushed red. Her thumbs moved quickly to respond.
"OH MY GOD, DUDE, SHE DOES!!!!" Ned yelled into the phone, effectively causing Peter to wince on the other end. He hung up on Ned, Y/n putting her phone down as well.
"Ned is trying to set us up," Peter blurted, and she nodded.
"He asked me if I liked you..," she fiddled with her fingers, a nervous habit of hers.
"Uh, do you?" Peter whispered curiously, not even noticing the breath his body refused to take.
"Uh, yeah, yes I do," she confirmed, her face rose red. Peter quickly stood up, pulling Y/n by her hand out of the shop. Once they left the doors, Peter put his hand on her cheek, softly grazing his thumb over her face. Her hands moved to rest on his neck, and Peter slowly leaned in, Y/n doing the same, when their lips met. They both felt sparks explode through their bodies, and their hearts jump out of their chest. Peter moved his hands to her waist, pulling her closer. Her hands moved to his hair without hesitation, but the magic was ruined by Ned screaming from behind a bush.
"I did it!!!" He squealed.
"Come back to my place with me," Peter whispered into her ear, y/n nodding in response.

Thank you for reading!

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