fan x comic con

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hi guys! this isn't an imagine, but i just wanted to talk about my experience at fanx. 

so i'm not wealthy, so i wasn't able to get a picture with tom, but i did get to watch the panel, and i cried through the whole thing. my family made fun of me, but honestly, last winter was really hard for me. it was my first battle with seasonal depression, and tom got my through it. he got me through everything. 

anyway, the panel was amazing! he made jokes, he said he's never spoiled anything, (then spoiled that harry's documentary about the lunch bowel foundation was going to be on the dvd of ffh), he talked about golf and his family. and honestly, it was the best ten-fifteen minutes i've lived so far. 

anyway, yea! just wanted to talk to you for a few seconds! i appreciate you so much! thank you for everything you do for this book, even if it is just reading. 

signing out

_lottie ;)

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