Chapter Two ~ Plans to survive (aka: The army plans to stalk Harry)

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Sigma's POV

After supper in the great hall, I met up with my team and the others on a mission here for a check in. Also to make sure people knew their jobs and stuff like that.

First Nico came, wanting to get away from his fellow Slytherins, then came Zac, not wanting to be left in an unknown place due to what happened not even a month ago, then Luke and Will came in, laughing about some stupid joke one of them made. Soon Severus and Draco entered the room, Draco looking more pale than usual, probably being nervous about seeing Luke again. Lastly, Sirius came in, Well more like used a portal since people think he's dead, but he really just joined the Army.

"Okay. Now that everyone is here we can go over what we're supposed to do." I announced. "Luke and Will, I want you to be keeping an eye on Harry. As well as his friends when possible, since your in his house. Whenever those two aren't able to watch Harry, I want Sirius on the job. When he isn't available, anyone who is should be there. Knowing where Harry is, is a key part to his survival and Azazel's defeat. It would be great if Draco and Snape could stop tormenting him as much as well, it really isn't appropriate behaviour for you guys. Last but not least, I want Zac and Nico to listen in on gossip. Being in a house with a lot of purebloods should give you an advantage."

I got nods back in affirmation.

"Great. Now, we need to think about this strategically. If we have at least one person on watch, we should also be able to try and track Azazel at the same time."

"It would be great if we could get some of Harry's blood." Luke pointed out. "With that we could try and lure Azazel someone where the Army could take care of him."

"Yeah, but it'd be weird to ask Harry for blood or to try and get it any other way." Nico stated. Luke nodded.

We launched into talk about plans and shit. Mostly trying to figure things out since this place was really fucking big and it would be a little troublesome to watch Harry at times.

"Oh Gods." Zac muttered.

"What?" Draco asked, turning away from his conversation with Sirius.

"We're fucking stalkers." he whispered thoughtfully.

"No we're-" Severus paused, "oh my Gods, he's right."

"We've literally stalked people before, we need to get back on track." I scolded.


It was about an hour later when everyone started leaving. Draco had tried slipping out of the room first before Luke could catch him, but his efforts were futile.

"Where ya going cuz?" Luke asked Draco playfully.

"Nowhere now." Draco muttered, looking longingly at the door, which Sirius and Severus were going out of now.

"So tell me, you've been bullying a kid." Luke crossed his arms.

"This is gonna be good." Nico muttered as him, Zac, and Will stood next to me. Draco was about to get scolded.

"I-I-I-" Draco stuttered, "it-it-it was for the mission. I didn't want to! I swear!"

"Sure you didn't." Luke looked down at Draco.

"I know your disappointed. Just don't tell my mom! Please!" Draco pleaded.

Luke frowned. "Fine. But if I catch you bullying someone again." he left his threat hanging.

Draco nodded frantically and was finally let go. As soon as he was, he dashed to the door and presumably to the Slytherin Common Room.

I smiled and said goodbye to my friends, then headed to the room joined to the office that came with my classroom.

Harry's POV

Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and I were chilling in the Gryffindor Common Room. We were talking about the best way to clean a broom, well, at least Ron, Ginny, and I were. Hermione was reading a book, something about romance or maybe action, or something like that.

"I don't know. I think it's better if you wax first, then wash. Not wash, wax, wash. Why do extra work?" Ron countered to Ginny's previous statement.

"Are you crazy?" Ginny asked incredulously, she then went on to talk about waxing and washing a broom, but my attention was drawn to the two new Americans that just walked into the Common Room.

"It's almost past curfew." I muttered.

"What?" Ginny asked, abruptly cutting off whatever she was saying.

"The two Americans just walked in. Almost past curfew. I wonder what they were doing."

"Maybe looking around. This is a very big and confusing place." Hermione tried to reason. Somehow not being suspicious. "Give them the benefit of the doubt, they are new."

"I don't know. They are pretty shady." Ron said.

"I wonder what they're talking about." Ginny muttered, bringing it to my attention that they were indeed talking in hushed voices.

They suddenly walked into a room that I didn't notice was there before. I got up and went to the door.

On the door it had neat writing saying "Will Solace" and beneath that "Luke Castellan", this must be their room.

"Why do they get a room to themselves?" Ron asked moodily. I shrugged and leaned in, trying to hear if they were saying anything. At first I couldn't hear anything. Then, I started to make out some of the words they were saying.

"-is a good plan?" I heard Will(?[I was still unfamiliar with their voices]) ask.

"Yes absolutely. Plus, if something happens Shifter will be there when we aren't." the other said.

Who's Shifter? I wondered.

"I guess, so what about when we don't have the same classes as him? Shifter might not be able to find a way to fit in." Will (pretty sure it was Will) inquired.

"I guess we'll have to think of something else. We should ask Sigma later if we get the chance." Luke answered.

Who the fuck is Sigma.

"Wait. Luke, did we put up a silencing charm?" Will asked.

"Oh shit!"

Suddenly I couldn't hear anything coming from their room.

I wanna ask if Hermione knows a 'Sigma'.

"Hey Hermione," Hermione looked up at me, "do you know a 'Sigma'?"

"Well there is Professor Prince, that's his first name. Why?" she tilted her head.

I explained to her what I had heard. Once I was finished, she nodded and looked down in thought.

"We should keep on eye on them and see if we can find anything suspicious. If we do we can tell Headmistress McGonagall." Hermione concluded. I wanted to protest and say that we could do something, but I kinda wanted to leave it alone. Y'know, to have a normal school year for once.

"C'mon mate, let's go to bed." Ron nudged my shoulder.

"Okay," I nodded, "let's go."

Last chapter of the three I'm posting today. After this it's just gonna be one every week.

If you want info on my updates and stuff you can check the chapter called "Info stuff".


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