Chapter Seven ~ "What! 'Mione you're insane!"

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Harry's POV

"Hey Harry! How was the talk?" Hermione asked as I sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"It was... interesting. I-he made me think about things that I think I've been pushing aside, but never mind that what's new?" I asked, wanting to change the subject.

Thankfully Luna caught on (I think) and launched into a long talk about a new creature she thinks she found.

After that, conversation lead to just random things and I began to relax, pushing what Prince had said to the back of my mind.

Suddenly Hermione spoke up after a small gap of silence in our conversation.

"Hey Harry." Hermione started. "This May sound odd, but I've noticed that somehow, whenever Luke, Nico, Zac, or Will aren't around us, there seems to be a black cat or bird following you."

"What! 'Mione you're insane!" Ron yelped.

"I don't know, now that she mentions it, I think Hermione is right." Ginny said.

"I think your both out of your mind!" I stated.

"It wouldn't be surprising, considering its you Harry." Luna added.

Ron scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"That stuff is over now." I said, Ron agreed, nodding his head.

"Let's get to class before their insanity rubs off on us." Ron chuckled, but not entirely joking.

"Yeah, okay." I agreed, chuckling a bit too.

Hermione scoffed while Ginny gave us the finger. Ron and I laughed some more and quickly made our way out of the Great Hall, trying to put as much distance between us and the girls as we could. Mostly because we knew we'd be dead when they caught up.


It was time for DADA class. I'm not really excited to go because ever since my talk with Prince this morning, I haven't been able to think about anything else and it's been getting harder and harder to focus on anything. I almost set Ron on fire during Potions class today, luckily I didn't.

When Ron, Hermione, and I entered the classroom, we headed over to the middle of the room where everyone else was gathered. In front of us was the duelling stage that we used last time, and behind that, on the wall was the same chalkboard saying who was going against who.

This time I was against Nico, Ron was against some kid named Artie, and Hermione was against Pansy.

Last time Hermione lectured me about not listening to Prince's advice, and I admit, it was really stupid to not listen to him, but I couldn't help but feel like I could do better without his help. Obviously I didn't, since I lost within like five minutes, but it felt good doing my own thing despite being sore all over. This time I'll try to listen to him, mostly because I want to win, but also because I wanna learn how to beat him in a duel. I want to show him that I'm better.

I know that last reason was petty, but I can't help it, I feel like he thinks he's better than me somehow. It's not really fair. It seems like he just had things in life going good, unlike me where I've had to fight most of it.

"Okay class, we're gonna be duelling again." Prince announced, shocking me out of my thoughts. I brought my attention to the front where he was standing. "This time you're going up against different people so I'd advise that you actually listen to my advice."

I blushed in embarrassment, he's probably talking about me.

"How are we being graded on this?" Hermione asked.

Of course you'd ask that. I thought fondly, mentally -but jokingly- rolling my eyes.

"Good question, I'm grading on how much you've improved. Also on how well you utilize your surroundings, how you strategize, and other things like that." he explained. Hermione nodded thoughtfully.

"Who's up first?" Luke asked.

"I was about to get to that." Prince jokingly glared at Luke, or at least I think it was jokingly, it was a pretty intense glare, but Luke seems to not be taking it personally. "Okay, first up is Jean and Sarah, find when you're going by looking at the broad, it's numbered according to who's going first and who's going last."

The pair mentioned headed hesitantly to the stage, got into the starting position, then when Prince gave them a nod, they started.

It didn't take very long for the match to be over and the next pair to start. Mostly because one of them, I don't know who, kept messing up the advice Prince was giving.

It felt like time was flying by, because before I knew it, Ron had went and it was my turn.

I climbed up to the stage, got into the starting position, and then waited for Prince to nod. It felt like forever, but also only a millisecond before Prince nodded to say we could start.

(A/N I don't know anything about this stuff, so if it's wrong, I'm sorry.) I lunged at Nico, keeping in mind that he seemed to be very focused on defence until his opponent gave an opening, then he'd strike and go offensive.

I kept in mind what Prince was advising me. Trying to keep my feet the correct width apart, but also trying to make sure he couldn't get any hits in.

I was able to strike at him once or twice, but before I knew it, Nico had me pinned to the ground and asking if I yielded.

"Yes, I yield." I sighed, Nico got off of me and offered me a hand. I gladly accepted and he hauled me up surprisingly easily.

"Good job." Nico said, giving me a hint of a smile and letting go of my hand. "You almost had me a couple of times."

I laughed, "I know you're probably lying about that last part, but thanks, you did a really good job too."

I headed off the stage towards my friends who congratulated me

After DADA class was over, Ron and I hung around until everyone was gone. Trying to make it to history of magic at the very last minute.

We were waiting outside the door of DADA just about to leave when we heard voices.

"He's getting better." I heard Nico say.

"Yeah, he might actually be ready for when Azazel comes." Luke added.

"I don't know, I think Potter needs more training." Malfoy said.

"I agree with all of that, but I mostly agree with Draco, I think he needs more training." Zac stated.

"Maybe, but I think if he continues to listen to Sigma, he might be ready when the time comes." Will added.

"I think so too. Though we can't underestimate Azazel, there's a reason he's Lucifer's second in command." Sigma suddenly countered.

"C'mon mate, we really gotta go." Ron reminded, pulling on my arm.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, right." I nodded, heading off to class with Ron.

Hoped you liked this chapter! Thank you guys so much for reading this book, I really appreciate it! Also, thanks for all your comments, I may not reply to all of them, but I read everyone single one!


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