Chapter Thirteen ~ The one where the author is just tired

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*Harry's POV*

After Ron and I apologized, Hermione immediately sat down and started bugging us about homework.

It felt good. Things were back to normal.

If only things would stay that way, but with me, that's a low possibility.

After catching up, we all headed to bed, ready for a good nights sleep.

*Sigma's POV*

Oh god. It's almost Christmas.

I woke up this morning, and it hit me.

I don't like Christmas that much. Don't get me wrong, it's an okay holiday, but the chaos that surrounds it isn't worth it.

It's almost as bad as April's fools. I mentally shudder at that thought.

Holidays where I'm from are usually very super stressful and chaotic. Mostly because those days seem to be when crimes spike and we get more unusual missions, but also because people where I'm from tend to use any holiday as an excuse to prank people.

Because they're jerks.

I'm just really glad that we're being confined to an old enormous castle and won't have to go back to another even older and even more enormous castle.

But anyways, that's not the point. The point it, the "Golden Trio" (as I've been told they're called) are going to be staying here, at Hogwarts, for Christmas.

Of course I will be utilizing this time to give Harry more lessons to prepare him for the inevitable battle against Azazel and his army. Of course I'll probably be battling Azazel myself, but it never hurts to be prepared for these things.

At this exact moment, there's a knock at my door. The person knocking doesn't wait for me to answer, but instead walks right in because it's Luke and he never waits for someone to answer the door. Following behind him are Nico, Will, and Zac.

"Sigma~ we haven't seen you in forever!" Luke whines.

"Yes? And?"

"You're the worst I hate you."

"I love you too." I tease.

Luke sticks his tongue out at me, but still comes and plops himself on my desk. He then proceeds to spread him self across it, like a cat.

Zac laughs and sits next to him on the desk. Nico and Will, on the other hand, grab chairs and pull them up, like normal fucking people.

"So we're staying here right? For the holidays?" Will inquiries.

"Yep," I reply.

"Yes, yes, that's all cool and nice, but let's play some video games now," Luke says. Zac nods in agreement.

"Alright guys," I laugh, "let's go!"

We rush to my room, stumbling and pushing each other, but laughing all the while.

~*~time skip to Christmas~*~
~~3rd person POV~~

Christmas Eve was filled with laughter and hushed wishes of what the next day would bring. Many people, like Harry and Ron, had rushed to finish wrapping presents for the next day.

Christmas Day was filled with cheer and laughter. Students who stayed, talked with their friends and gleefully opened gifts from friends and family alike.

The Golden Trio spent the morning in the Gryffindor Common Room with their friends, opening presents and finally getting to not have to be mature and just relax.

Sigma and his friends on the other hand spent the morning opening presents and then trading. They also spent it yelling at each other over Mario Cart. Because who doesn't yell and cry during Mario Cart. Nobody normal, I'll tell you that.

But all in all, everyone had a good day.

Except Tartarus who got mega pranked.

Asdfghjkl. Really short chapter, like less than half of what I usually do.

But um, I've kinda been busy and stressed and really exhausted, so there's that.

I hate babysitting, the only good thing is the money, honestly. It's probably where some of my stress and exhaustion comes from.

I wanna commit not breathing.

Jk jk. But being serious, I'm focusing more on school and getting out more, so if my chapters getting inconsistent in length, that's probably why. That or I've hit writers block and just spewed out bullshit for half a chapter and then gave up.


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