Chapter Eleven ~ Luke's expert spying skills

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Luke's POV

Hogwarts was interesting. Definitely not as good as back home, but whatever, it's  trying its best I suppose. My main task here is to watch Harry (which also includes his little gang 99% of the time) and make sure to protect him in the event of an attack. Who's attacking, you may ask. Well, it's Azazel, Lucifer's second in command. He's gotten super obsessive over bringing Lucifer back.

Weird right? Who'd want Lucifer back?

Definitely not me.

Anyways, back to the task at hand which I never actually told you guys what I'm doing. I'm stalking Harry. Because it's my job now.

Right now I'm actually currently using my expert pro skills at eavesdropping to listen in on his conversation with his friends. Usually he doesn't say anything interesting, but he does talk really loudly, especially since we're in the Great Hall surrounded by people who could overhear them. Like me, for example.

"So when I left Prince's office when I went last time, I overheard him talking with someone who I think was his father," Harry stated.

Oh, this is interesting.

"Really?" Hermione asked. I noticed that Ron wasn't there, well he was there, but he wasn't paying attention to Harry.

Looks like the got into a fight. I noted.

I'd have to tell Sigma that, if he didn't already know.

"Yeah, he was saying something about moving plans up. It's kinda suspicious." Harry stated. Hermione glanced at him.

"And you're sure you heard him right?"


"Okay, just checking,"

They went back to eating and started talking with Luna and Ginny about homework and stuff. Which was super uninteresting so I tuned it out. My expert skills were not needed anymore.

I sighed and looked at time. We had about an hour before class started. I sighed again. I guess I have to be responsible then and tell Sigma. Gods, why did I agree to this. There's so much walking involved since we've been told to limit our mindlink conversations due to the magic of Hogwarts interfering or something like that.

Once I got to Sigma's class. I told him a lengthy and detailed story of what I heard.

To which he replied with: "I know."

Bitch couldn't even pretend for me. I pouted.

"You should probably head back to class, but thanks for telling me," he smiled and gave me a knowing smirk.

I gasped dramatically, he's teasing me!

I flipped him off, but he just laughed, then I headed off to class. But not before I slapped his arm.

Asshole deserved it.

Sigma's POV (right when Luke came with info)

I was sitting in my room when someone knocked on the door. It was Luke.

He barged into my room without waiting for me to open the door. Then he proceeded to tell me a lengthy description of what he heard over breakfast, also including what he was eating in great detail.

When he finally finished talking, I replied with: "I know."

Which was effective in pissing Luke off, I know this because he pouted. I smiled.

"You should probably head back to class, but thanks for telling me," I smirked knowingly.

Luke gasped dramatically and flipped me off. I, of course, answered by laughing. To which I received a slap on the arm. I kinda deserved it.

But it was funny.

Luke left pouting, heading off to class and making sure I knew how miserable he was feeling.

Drama queen. I laughed.

I had a bit of work to do before my next class, so I sat down and got to work.

Not even five minutes later, a portal-call opened up.

"HEY BRO!" Tartarus yelled, I winced.

"Hey Tartarus," I greeted, massaging my temples.

"So I got some info for you about our boy Azazel. It's not great news, but like, I guess it's okay. I mean, good news for us because we get to have a batter plan, but not good because yeah," Tartarus rambled.

"Get to the point please." I sighed. I love my siblings, but they are really good at procrastinating, especially when something needs to be done.

"Fine, fine. We have reliable intel that Azazel is going to strike sooner than we anticipated."


"Yeah, at first, like you already know, we believed it would be sometime after the end of school, but we've found out that he's planning on attacking about one or two months after Christmas. Which I guess isn't a big difference? Though I could be wrong because people have told me that my concept of Human time is skewed."

"They're not wrong, but thanks for the intel. I'll talk to you later."

"No you won't. You liar." Tartarus mumbled just as I swiped through the portal, disconnecting the call.

In retrospect, maybe doing all that work in one go was not a good idea, because now I'm starving and haven't had lunch or breakfast. It was almost time for dinner, I decided that maybe I should actually take care of myself and go. Then again, I still have things to do. Although, I did want to offer Harry some private lessons. Maybe get him ready for an attack.

Alright. So I have a plan then. Go to dinner and see if I can talk to Harry and get him to accept my offer of private lessons. If the boy had any smarts, he'd say yes.

As I approached the Great Hall, I noticed that Harry was coming from the opposite direction. Here's my chance!

I plastered on a slightly fake smile and jogged over.

"Hey Harry! How's of going?" I asked in a slightly cheerful and nonchalant way.

"Nothing. Just heading to the Great Hall for some supper," he replied hesitantly.

"Great! So am I!" I smiled, stating the obvious. "I've actually got a question for you,"

"What is it?"

"Well I wanted to ask you if you wanted private lessons."

"I guess." Harry shrugged.

"Great! Well I'll let you go! Let me know when you're free and I'll set up a date and time!" I called cheerfully at Harry's back as he entered the Great Hall.

"Good, things are looking up I guess." I mumbled.

Hopefully they go smoothly for the rest of the year too. One can only hope.

Hope you guys like this chapter! I haven't been feeling too great, I hope it's not too serious or anything, but otherwise things have been good.


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