Chapter Fourteen ~ ughhhhhhhhhh

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Sigma's POV ~After Christmas/back to school~

The holidays were... something else. I spent most of it dying because somehow Zac became better than me at Mario Cart during his time being possessed and enslaved by Lucifer. It's so not fair. I even practiced! He probably cheated.

Anyways, it was time for our normal schedule. Which was a relief because without order, my friends descend into chaos. Like my father often does sometimes on his bad days.

Alright, I keep getting off track, as I was saying before, back to normal. Today Azinik would be coming back to teach the students. Because apparently I'm terrible at more complicated spells. It's not my fault it's something I'm not very good at. Magic like wizards and our Magicians do aren't my type of magic, they have to learn it and create it, I really only have to summon my magic. So when it comes down to doing magic like they do, well it gets kinda hard for me.

Azinik really likes teaching the kids. He may be The second in command for the Magicians, but he really doesn't teach much. The two co-commanders of that team do most of it. Probably because it's their specialty. He also likes the fact he gets to teach them about spells they've never heard of, most of the time, once you get to the Magicians, you already know most of them. Or at least have heard of them.

He finds it extremely funny when they get the pronunciation for one of the spells and then have water sprayed all over them. Admittedly, so do I, so I really can't blame him. It's actually quite funny, they look absolutely hilarious when they realize they're covered in water.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Azinik screaming as he fell through the portal. His face was hilarious and I wish I took a photo, but he never gave me any warning. Which was extremely rude of him.

"Ahem," Azinik coughed as he righted himself and brushed his clothes off. "So, um, I'm here five minutes early? Right? Also, let's forget about that falling thing yeah? Totally not my fault and also it's great blackmail material and the twins don't need anymore."

"Alright. Let's just get to the classroom before the students get here." I smirked.

Azinik perked up at that, he then proceeded to skip to the door that lead from my office to the classroom and slammed the door open.

"Aw, nobody is here yet," he pouted as he looked through the doorway.

"Because class hasn't started yet," I stated as I came up behind him. Azinik pouted even more, but went inside the classroom and sat on my desk at the front of the room.

Soon enough, students were starting to come into the classroom. Azinik looked extremely happy about it too.

When the bell rang, Azinik hopped up from my desk and clapped his hands.

"Alright everyone! Let's get started because I have lots of stuff I wanna teach you and we don't have a lot of time!" he exclaimed.

The students looked a mix of excited and tired. I would've too. It's cool to learn magic, but super draining too.

The first part of class was just a simple lesson of what they were going to do that day. The rest of the class was time to practice the spells Azinik showed them.

Azinik was more than happy to go around and help the students with the spells. Draco offered help to Zac, Nico, Luke, and Will, of course they accepted because they aren't very good at those particular spells.

When the bell rang I was kinda grateful, because that meant that I now had something to do, which was teach the second years how to do some spells or whatever. Or was it something about creatures? I don't know. I'll figure something out.

After all the classes were finished, I looked to the clock that said I had two hours before dinner and that I had ten minutes till my next private lesson with Harry.

So far we've had five lessons, each one alternating between weapons, magic, and hand-to-hand.

When Harry entered the room, I smiled.

"Hey Harry," I greeted, Harry just waved in response.

I think he was slowly starting to trust me, very slowly though. Like, very slowly.

He was still sceptical about things, which I could understand, but I really need him to trust by the end of the year. Maybe even sooner.

It all depends on when Azazel attacks, which I hate. I hate having to depend on the other team to make a move. It would be so much easier if we could just go in and kill him or something, but Harry is our top priority, so we can't do that.

Anyways, I turn to Harry to address him.

"Alright, we'll do a mix of all three today, then you're free to go," I pause, "but before you do go, I'd like to talk to you, if that's alright?"

Harry shrugs and grabs his wand. "I don't care, but let's just get started on this."


We spar with our wands for a bit, Harry won three out of the eight times. Then we went and did hand-to-hand which I won seven out of the eight times.

After that we took a little break.

After the break is was back to our lesson, which we did weapons combat. I won seven out of the eight times again.

Consider how far Harry has come since the beginning of the year, I can proudly say that he's made a big improvement even though compared to others he may seem a little behind.

We took another break before Harry left, he was about to leave, when I stopped him.

"Remember, I wanted to talk with you." I reminded.

He looked uneasy, like he thought I would do something bad to him, like kill him. Which I could do, but he hasn't done anything so I won't.

"What about?" he asked cautiously.

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm not the bad guy. In fact, I'm one of the people you can definitely trust because I want to help you. It's pretty much my job."

Harry looked confused, but brushed it off. He just nodded and left.

I breathed out a puff of air. Why are kids these days so dumb? I wondered. Honestly. Someone is going to die because of it.


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