Chapter Twelve ~ *chanting* Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Ect.

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Sigma's POV

Today is Harry's first lesson. How will that go? I don't know. Honestly I don't think we'll get very far considering Harry doesn't seem to like me much. I'd say I don't know why, but let's be honest, I totally know why. Anyways, while I had time to kill, I checked in with Infernum who was kinda mad and was claiming I forgot him. I didn't, I was just busy, plus he has a job to do, so there's that.

There was a knock at my door, probably Harry. I got out of my seat at my desk and opened the door to my classroom. Harry stood their looking slightly awkward, like he didn't want to be here because he probably really didn't. I went over things we would work on, then asked if Harry wanted to try anything else too.

"Um, not really. I think the plan you have is fine," he replied.

"Alright," I eyed him sceptically, "whatever you say I suppose."

I mentally went through the list of things to work on again, before turning to Harry.

"For muggle weapon fighting, would you like to work on offence or defence first?" I asked. Harry shrugged.

"I don't know, offence I guess?" he all but asked.

"If you say so," I had a feeling he would say that. Harry seems to default to more offensive moves when duelling. There's nothing wrong with that, but I also wanna make sure he knows how to do some defensive moves as well.

We started easy, doing some basic stances and moves, than gradually worked up to the harder things. We duelled a lot, I made sure Harry knew what he was doing.

Then, when I was satisfied with what we'd already done, we moved onto defensive moves. I showed him different techniques to defend himself.

After that, we put them all together and did another duel. This time Harry actually knew what he was doing. He still lost, but at least he can proudly say he did it while doing things properly.

Once Harry caught his breath and had some water, I spoke up.

"Alright, so, I think we're done our lesson today. I'll contact you when I figure out when we should have our next lesson and we can focus more on magic." I stated.

"Okay, that sound good." Harry left without another word.

Well then, I thought, that was incredibly rude.

*Harrys POV* (right before the lesson)

Today I had my first private lesson with Prince. I don't really see how this will help me, but everyone else seems to think it's a good idea. Except Ron who's even more mad at me for 'stealing his thing'.

I stood outside Prince's classroom door for a bit, wondering if I should leave or actually go through with this. I decided that it wouldn't be the end of the world and knocked.

In just a few seconds the door was open and Prince stood there. I shifted awkwardly. He let me in and started talking about what he planned to go over in the private lessons.

I still didn't understand why I needed them.

Prince asked me if there was anything else I wanted to go over.

"Um, not really. I think the plan you have is fine," I told him.

"Alright," he eyed me sceptically, like he thought I had any clue what I wanted to do in these torture sessions beside leave, "whatever you say I suppose."

He paused for a minute looking deep in thought before addressing me.

"For muggle weapon fighting, would you like to work on offence or defence first?" He asked. I shrugged.

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