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(Tord's POV)
I'm on my walk, which I always go on at night. I go at night because, I like to look at the stars, I like it when I can feel the breeze, It's just calming. I'm a little stressed out because, I'm moving to a different school, which is stressful for me because I don't know anyone and I am NOT the person who can socialize so easily. I am on my way home to pack up a little, I have a week before I start highschool.

*The next day*

I wake up to the smell of bacon, " mmm bacon". I get out of bed and check my phone, " 9:30 am" I tell myself, I walk over to the living room to see Paul smoking and watching T.V and Patryk making breakfast. "Good morning" Paul says to me, "Good morning" I reply. Paul and Patryk are my "parents", I eat breakfast and head to my room and start packing again, hours later I finished, all I need to do is load it to the moving truck tomorrow.

* 3 days later*

We all moved into the house and we all started to unpacked, In a day we all finished late at night so we were all tired. I decided to go to sleep, then I whispered to myself and said " 3 more days and new school, people, and more." I later fell asleep.

*2 days later*

"One more day until highschool, I can't believe it!" I say, " You will be fine" Patryk says, " I guess.." I  mumble. I go to my room and lay on the bed, I was nervous for highschool, in middle school I guess you could say I was a "popular" kid. Why?, because all the girls asked me out but I Was always trying to be nice when I rejected them saying things like " I am moving away, so if we date we won't see eachother and that will make me sad.." or " Your to good for me, you deserve better than me", but the truth is that I don't believe in true love and I don't date girls because..I'm gay.

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