The night/ Marriage.

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(Tord's POV )

I feel like being a little mean to him. So, I start to tease him. He moans, music to my ears. " Tord, s-stop t-teasing." He says. I smirk, "aw, is Tommy getting annoyed~" I said being an asshole. I start to kiss him, on his neck I make my way down. He's moaning a bit loader now. I go up to his neck again..I found his sweet spot, "ahh~ Y-you jerk, q-quit teasing" I kiss his lips, "stay quiet, Tommy~" I start to thrust and he moans even loader. I go to kiss him but stop when I hear a knock at the door. We both look at each other in confusion, he's a little mad that the moment got ruined by a damn knock at the door. I go to see through the peep hole and I see...EDD?! "IT'S EDD, WHAT DO WE DO?!" I say in a whisper yell.

"The fuck?! I don't know?! Put your clothes on!" Tom says. "YOU put your clothes on too, dumbass." I reply. I quickly put my clothes on and Tom is in the bathroom. I open the door and I see Edd AND Matt. "Hello!" Matt said cheerfully. "Um hi, what are you guys doing here?" I ask. "Well, Matt feel asleep and woke up, He got hungry and suggested that we all go out to eat." He said. "Oh, okay. Tom is in the bathroom right now so give us about 20 minutes. Okay?" I said. "Sure! Take your time." Matt said. Tom and I are now ready to go and we see Matt and Edd in the lobby and we head to the car and go to this really fancy restaurant. I'm nervous, I've never been to these type of restaurants.
I look around and see a familiar person. It's my old friend from Norway. She moved here because of her dad and now I'm seeing her working at this fancy restaurant as a waiter. Nice. She noticed me and I give her a small wave. She smiles and walks over to me. "Hey Tord! Good seeing you aga-" she stops, she looks at Tom and she looks at me. She noticed we were holding hands. She smiled and said "Tord has a little boyfriend, does he~" I blush, "s-shut up." I said.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I asked, "Nah, we broke up." She said, "ah", Edd said that we got a table and we were ready. "Well, it was nice seeing you Penelope, let's hang out sometime again." I said, "sure!" We go sit in a private room, I wonder why. After awhile, Matt starts to go on at Edd about how great he is and how much he loved him. Edd started saying how Matt was such a great boyfriend. Awhile back, Matt said he wanted to marry Edd, and he would ask him today. I said that it was a good idea. We just had to play it out slow. I told Tom and he thought it was adorable. So, I ask Edd "wow, do you want to marry him, now?" He blushed and said "I wish." Tom and I looked at Matt and we both smiled at him. Matt got on one knee and said " Edward Gould, I have loved you ever since we met, I never want to leave your side, I wanna spend my life with you forever, I love everything about you, your smile, laugh, and even the little mistakes you make. I know it's early and all, but will you make me happy and marry me?" He pulled out a diamond ring, Edd started crying and said yes. We were both happy and clapped. I guess this is why we got a private room, so nobody can talk bullshit about this. I was so happy for them.

I can't wait to ask Tom to marry me..

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