Chapter 25

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(Tom's POV)

I feel pain.. I hear a beeping noise. What happened? Where's Tord? I try to get up but only to feel more pain. "Ugh." I say. "Thomas? Are you okay?" I hear someone say. "Where am I?" "Where's Tord?" I say weakly. "Tom, your in the hospital. It's me Edd. Tord is in a bad condition. You got mild injuries." Edd says. "H-How are you not hurt?" I say. "Someone hit us, but they hit the back of the car. Mostly injuring Tord. Matt and I were in the front and didn't get hurt much, Matt got his arm broken and so did I. I was bleeding but not badly. You got hit with glass, and got cut. You broke your arm as well. Tord, well..." He paused.  "What Happened to hi-" I stop. The nurse came in, "Well, I see your awake. You will be released tomorrow morning when your ready. Your friend, Tord will have to stay longer he is not in a good condition at all. Looks, like his wounds are bad. He might not make it. There that bad." She says. I start to cry, My fiance is hurt. He could die. I don't wanna lose him. I love him. The nurse leaves and  Matt stayed the night with me to keep me company. Edd went with Tord, stayed with him.

*Next day*

It was morning. I was already released.  It was 11:30 am. "Okay, we can go now, you need to rest Tom." Edd says. I stay quiet, "Can we see Tord? Please?" I say. "Let me ask" Edd said and leaves. He comes back "Sure." And we go to Tord's room. I start to tear up. "Nurse says he is in a coma. Why? Because he was so badly injured. It was like someone tried to hurt or even...Kill him.." Matt says. I start to cry, My heart hurts. Did someone actually hurt him? Was it all an accident? "So, when we got hit. The car that hit us, when they went to see who was driving they found nobody in the car. Which seems weird. They are trying to investigate to see who hit us. They think someone was trying to hurt us. But mostly Tord." Edd says. My vision went red, I was mad. Pure anger filled my body. How could someone do this? Who would do this....? I kiss Tord's forehead and leave. We get in the car
And drive to the hotel. I stayed with Matt and Edd in there room. They didn't want me to stay in my room right now. They wanted to be there for me and comfort me. They didn't want me to be alone. I'm glad I have such great friends. I cried and cried, them hugging me, telling me it was going to be okay. To just stay positive. At Least try to. That we gotta be strong for him. I'm gonna be strong for him, I love him. I won't lose him. I know he will be okay. I believe it. I slowly fall asleep in there room. I know it will all be okay... Hopefully..
But there was one thing on my mind, Who would try to hurt us? Why would they try to hurt us? Are we Safe? Is Tord Safe? Why is this happening...?

To be continued...

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