What the hell?

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( Tord's POV )

I woke up by the sound of my alarm and Tom yelling at himself. "God damn thing!" I get out of bed yelling "Why the fuck are you yelling?!" He looks at me and say "Sorry if I woke you but This goddamn thing won't fucking button!!" Why does he need to button a shirt? Oh yeah, Today is Matt and Edd's wedding. It's been a month now, that they got engaged. I really need to get ready. The wedding doesn't begin until night, so Why is Tom getting all fancy? "Why are you getting fancy?" I asked "Hm? O-oh because um, I was in the mood to wear something fancy today?" He said. Ok, he is acting really weird today. Let's see how he does tomorrow. "Okay then, babe. I'm going to take a shower." I said, "Ok, I'll take a shower after you do.", "Why don't we just take one together, that will save some time." He blushed but nodded. He was so cute. After the shower, we got dressed and everything. We basically have the whole day to ourselves since Matt and Edd said they wanted spend the whole day together, Everyone was acting so weird today, I honestly don't know why. Matt and Edd they always spend a day together, Tom has been acting weird lately too. Hm, I'll try to brush it off....Nah, I'll find out. My thoughts are cut off by Tom. "Hey, Babe, you okay?" He asked, I nodded and then we went out. We went to the mall and bought some clothes. Then, we went to a fancy restaurant. While, We we're eating Tom seemed to be thinking of something. An hour later, we leave and get dressed for the wedding. We arrive and Matt and Edd were talking like there were planning something. They saw us and immediately stopped...What the hell is going on with everyone?

To be continued..

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