Do I like him??

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(Tord's POV)
"Did you have a good day?" Paul asked with a smirk, "um Y-yes" I said nervous. " Did you make friends?" Pat asked, " Yes, I made 3 friends." I said, "Glad to hear, now hurry we are going to dinner." he said. "Okay.", I walked to my room and all I could think about is Tom, Do I like him? He was so cute, he was nice, Maybe I do like him.. No, I know I like him, he is so nice and all an- " Tord!! Are ready yet?!" I heard Paul yelling, "Y-Yes!" I walked to the living room and finally went to dinner, It was nice, we talk and all. We went home and I was tired, so I decided to go to sleep.

*Next day*

I did my daily routine for school then, I actually walked to school today. "I'm off!" I yell, "Have a good day" Pat says, "ok!", I walk to school and arrive I see Edd, Matt, and Tom. "Hello Tord" "Good morning" they all said. "Hey guys, good morning" I say to them. "Let's get the day started!" Edd say excited, "ok" I say.

*Week later*

It's been a week now, We are now all best friends but, Edd is acting strange. I decide to tell Tom and he say that it's true, Tom himself has noticed it. Tom and I ask Edd what was wrong, why he was acting so strange especially around Matt. Edd looks down and starts blushing and Tom said " Do you like Matt?", Edd nodded.

(Tom's POV)
I ask Edd if he has a crush on Matt, He nodded. " Why don't you ask him out?" I ask, " Because he probably doesn't like me the way I like him." He says in a sad tone. I look at Tord, I said to Tord " We need to talk." "O-ok" he said, I told him that we NEED to get them together, he nodded " You get Edd and I'll get Matt" He said, I nodded. "Hey Edd wanna come over to my house today, maybe we can talk." I look at Tord, he gives me a smile, " Damn, why is he so cute" I say to myself, Yes I like Tord but I can't tell him because he probably doesn't like me, but maybe one day I can confess.

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